Archived: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 12:47 pm | #1
I just bought the bundle on Amazon for 8 dollars. Does it come in two games? Or just one like the Sega Superstars tennis/Arcade? Also, do you think it was worth it? I love Indiana jones, but kung fu panda? XD
Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 12:52 pm | #2
Its in one box, two discs. If you want to be a true waffler you will play and enjoy Kung Fu Panda

Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 12:54 pm | #3
I <3 waffles.
Cool, I just saw it and said, "8 Dollars! *Buys*".

Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 12:55 pm | #4
shit, thats one good deal.
i just might get this, i enjoyed both games and still need a lot of achievements from these games.
i just might get this, i enjoyed both games and still need a lot of achievements from these games.
Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 1:09 pm | #5
I'd play any Indiana jones game even if it didn't have achievements
. But yeah, look on amazon I found this one for 8 dollars (there was only one
) but there are more if you want the link (15 dollars-ish).

Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/06/09 1:28 pm | #6
I bought this bundle at Gamestop for $10 when they had it on sale. I didn't like both games, so I ended up returning it

Re: Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/07/09 5:04 pm | #7
I just got 1K on Kung Fu Panda. It was pretty lame but very easy of course. As for indy, it was fun at first but I grew to loathe it during the last 250G or so.
Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/07/09 7:21 pm | #8
Most folks agree that Kung Fu Panda on 360 is one of the best movie tie-in/licensed character games out there. However, since the vast majority of games like this are terrible, that isn't saying much.
Kung Fu Panda really is a fun little game, though. It's action/platforming with moves and abilities that you upgrade over the course of your adventure. The visuals and presentation are decent and there aren't any major glitches or very annoying gameplay segments to deal with. On top of all that, the Achievements are fun and easy for the most part so I'd say it's definitely worth playing, especially if you enjoyed the movie.
You will have to play the game through twice to get all 1000G, but it's not very long and there are precious few collectibles to grab--none of that "find 950 little doodads!" nonsense.
Kung Fu Panda really is a fun little game, though. It's action/platforming with moves and abilities that you upgrade over the course of your adventure. The visuals and presentation are decent and there aren't any major glitches or very annoying gameplay segments to deal with. On top of all that, the Achievements are fun and easy for the most part so I'd say it's definitely worth playing, especially if you enjoyed the movie.
You will have to play the game through twice to get all 1000G, but it's not very long and there are precious few collectibles to grab--none of that "find 950 little doodads!" nonsense.
Re: Lego Indiana Jones/Kung Fu Panda Bundle
04/07/09 9:44 pm | #10
I'm bad with completion too raine, but oh well!
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