Archived: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 4:03 pm | #2
I've been waiting for this to take place... appears I won't be using the mini-gun glitch to get the Untouchables achievement. Only 1 of 7 achievements I have remaining! Knew the patch was coming, just didn't know it would be this soon.

Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 4:58 pm | #3
this isnt soon. it came out like 4 weeks ago for the PC and all this was included in it.
Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 5:48 pm | #6
Yeah I really wish they would release some TF2 updates I have it on PC and theres like 200 more achievements and what not
Re: Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 6:13 pm | #7
Quote by Kamikaze8:
this isnt soon. it came out like 4 weeks ago for the PC and all this was included in it.
I don't play PC games so I wouldn't know... besides, I picked it up about 2 weeks ago.
Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 10:41 pm | #9
w00t, this is awesome, now i just need to get it back from my cousin.
Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 10:42 pm | #10
arg man....they had to fix i cant get untouchables me dont thinks....bleh....might have to just not do the update and get it w/ some people lol
@fatsax - OMG ANOTHER GEORGIAN! HAI!!!! and yes it is for the 360
@fatsax - OMG ANOTHER GEORGIAN! HAI!!!! and yes it is for the 360
Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/24/09 11:17 pm | #11
Is it even possible to skip the update? From what I remember, if you choose to skip an update on a game (whether you're on LIVE or not) you get kicked back to the dashboard. I could be wrong, but that's what I recall.
Re: Left 4 Dead Update is LIVE
02/25/09 5:43 am | #13
the main physics exploit involves meleeing the objects that light up (the minigun in all the campaigns, the switch in the garage in no mercy where you face the hord and theres a minigun) basically you can melee the objects repeatedly (and alot) and then jump up on them to either A. jump really high (the switch on no mercy, the minigun at the end of dead air) and get past something or get to an unreachable spot to the zombies, or B. get launched (the minigun halfway dead air i think the campaign is, its the minigun near the fork lift thing in that campaign) and most basically just make it so you don't have to face a horde, but the one on the dead air finale just makes it easier to not get killed or even hit by zombies.
theres also a physics exploit on the death toll ending. when youre going to the house if you go to the right all the way theres some rocks. you can jump up onto those and for the most part not get hurt at all (zombies can jump up there, but the only other thing that can get you is a tanks rock, or a smoker)
ive used all 3 of the exploits before. the only one really helpful is the dead air finale one....thats about it...
theres also a physics exploit on the death toll ending. when youre going to the house if you go to the right all the way theres some rocks. you can jump up onto those and for the most part not get hurt at all (zombies can jump up there, but the only other thing that can get you is a tanks rock, or a smoker)
ive used all 3 of the exploits before. the only one really helpful is the dead air finale one....thats about it...
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