Archived: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/23/07 11:22 pm | #16
PuNiShEr lucky sob,, i got them on friday
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/26/07 3:48 pm | #17
I've had so many, that with the last one they sent me a free game. ( perfect dark )
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/26/07 10:02 pm | #18
Lol a free game like that! they should send me a Call of Duty 4 evrey time I get angry at my xbox ( since the rings where popping evrey week)
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/26/07 10:53 pm | #19
Quote by PuNiShEr IV:
Lol a free game like that! they should send me a Call of Duty 4 evrey time I get angry at my xbox ( since the rings where popping evrey week)
wow evry week!
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/26/07 11:58 pm | #20
amen bro that WAS my problem... I didnt knew what the rings meant in that time so I just got angry till I called Microsoft and BOOOM got it
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/27/07 10:14 am | #21
Wow, that really sucks.... I'm glad I haven't gotten it yet
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
12/27/07 12:54 pm | #22
Microsoft has millions of copies of Kameo and Perfect Dark to give away. With something like 30% of all X-Box's dying to the RRoD... expect to see plenty of these lame games at your local gamestop used section.
When my xbox died the 3rd time they sent me PGR. bleh.
When my xbox died the 3rd time they sent me PGR. bleh.
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
01/02/08 11:11 pm | #23
I have earned 3 of those achievements
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
01/02/08 11:26 pm | #24
i hope i never see that achievement
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
01/03/08 5:46 am | #25
Quote by I SickGnaR I:


Marry Christmas
Shit dude that achievement sucks. I've gotten it twice so I just ditched the regular premium and got the Halo 3 Edition. Works like a charm too, especially that it has the over heating chip inside =)
Don't worry though the box would probably take 3 days to get there and after you ship it, it should take about 2 weeks to get it back

Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
01/04/08 10:04 pm | #26
You should try to get a warrenty from the place you bought your 360 from. Youll get a new 360 way faster.
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
01/06/08 3:26 pm | #27
lolz i had to call again today b/c my box never came i gave them some extra time with the holidays and what not but thats just not cool 3 weeks and no box UGGGGGGG this time they said 3 -5 business days for the box and in xbox lang 3 - 5 days = 2 - 3 weeks, and 2 - 3 weeks = 3 - 4 months
and on top of that i had to listen to that Max douche for 5 min running through obvious crap then after 5 min of being on hold some annoying sounding chick answered we went through the steps and... she hung up on me so i call again wait through all the crap i did 5 min ago so yea took like 20 min on the phone for the box why do they need the serial if its broken makes no sense it should just be "hey my xbox broke can i have a box to send it in?, sure whats your address?, its xxx
street here, ok sir that will be there in 3 -5 days thank you" why cant it be so simple? i have to read those numbers so slow because the techs are uber retards and don't understand anything and i always get foreign ppl AHHH so how was yalls new year?

street here, ok sir that will be there in 3 -5 days thank you" why cant it be so simple? i have to read those numbers so slow because the techs are uber retards and don't understand anything and i always get foreign ppl AHHH so how was yalls new year?
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
04/24/08 11:30 pm | #28
I've been awarded that one three times now, too bad I don't get the gamerscore each time.
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
04/25/08 9:33 pm | #29
Quote by I SickGnaR I:
lolz i had to call again today b/c my box never came i gave them some extra time with the holidays and what not but thats just not cool 3 weeks and no box UGGGGGGG this time they said 3 -5 business days for the box and in xbox lang 3 - 5 days = 2 - 3 weeks, and 2 - 3 weeks = 3 - 4 months
and on top of that i had to listen to that Max douche for 5 min running through obvious crap then after 5 min of being on hold some annoying sounding chick answered we went through the steps and... she hung up on me so i call again wait through all the crap i did 5 min ago so yea took like 20 min on the phone for the box why do they need the serial if its broken makes no sense it should just be "hey my xbox broke can i have a box to send it in?, sure whats your address?, its xxx
street here, ok sir that will be there in 3 -5 days thank you" why cant it be so simple? i have to read those numbers so slow because the techs are uber retards and don't understand anything and i always get foreign ppl AHHH so how was yalls new year?

street here, ok sir that will be there in 3 -5 days thank you" why cant it be so simple? i have to read those numbers so slow because the techs are uber retards and don't understand anything and i always get foreign ppl AHHH so how was yalls new year?
I never have any trouble with customer service. Probably because I'm not being a dick and unpleasant to them. There just doing there job. A little bit of patience can save you alot of grief.
Re: Just unlocked the best acheviment ever!!!
04/25/08 9:47 pm | #30
Quote by TK Chillin:
I never have any trouble with customer service. Probably because I'm not being a dick and unpleasant to them. There just doing there job. A little bit of patience can save you alot of grief.
but what if u have no patience?