Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Quote by PSORaine:
12 hours is nothing..
50 hours for a pinata game on the other hand is RIDICULOUS
Quote by theevol1:
Check your PM man, info sent

I don't know what's more satisfying, getting the 1000pts. or knowing that I will never have to play this game again!
A little of both I guess! lol
if somehow someway, you lost something so freaky happened...and you lost all your games, and all of your points.
im sorry evol...but from what you just said right there, i would seriously laugh my ass right out of this chair...LoL!
You'd better knock on wood, my friend!
im in the middle of king kong right now...juggling that and superman returns...and trying to get into oblivion
after i get done with those two im not getting anymore easy gamer score games for awhile...going to try and sit down to get into and enjoy oblivion....Im in the middle...or should i say the beginning of closing my first oblivion gate....wish me luck!
Quote by theevol1:
I don't know what's more satisfying, getting the 1000pts. or knowing that I will never have to play this game again!
A little of both I guess! lol
I told you it was pretty easy, no real challenge...but it was a easy 1000 so it wasn't that bad
Quote by buffalo:
Well, I missed an entire section of toe snowball level and had to do it like 10 times before I found out why I was missing the points, and for some reason, I could not pick up the last badge in the outhouse in the river level! Other than that, it was pretty mindless!
Hooray for child's play!!
Quote by theevol1:
I don't know what's more satisfying, getting the 1000pts. or knowing that I will never have to play this game again!
thats what he said attention, haha
Quote by buffalo:
yeah it wasn't hard at all...but my dumb ass didn't pay attention and didn't start perfecting the levels until near the end of the game....i only have 90 points from it, lol...I'm going to gamefly it again sometime later so I can get the full 1000