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Are any of you going to see this movie? It was released today...I was one of the lucky people who seen it yesterday at a premier screening I thought it was really good with some awesome action scenes. I advise everyone to go see it even if you haven't really seen many Bond movies.
EDIT: My bad, this was suppose to go in the Entertainment thread...
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Moved it for you.
There's a whole bunch of movies in theaters right now that I want to see. If I don't see this, i'll be sure to put it on my netflix queue when it comes out on dvd.
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i finally saw it and it was really good.. the new bond does really well and the action is great.. i highly recommend if you like action movies and bond
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I truthfully didn't like it. Not enough of the classic Bond gunfights and stuff... I felt like I was watching the World Series of Poker, it bored me more than anything. That crazy acrobatic dude right in the beginning was probably the best part of the whole movie. This new Bond has lots of talent, but the story line was horrid imo.
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