Introduce yourself (even long time members can say a little something about themselves. lol.)
Closed: Introduce Yourself!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Introduce Yourself!
02/25/07 12:41 am | #1
Well, I know a lot of people joined from a thread that many people saw. And I see a couple new people in the online users list each time I log on. But no one seems to be introducing their self through a thread. Well, here, I am setting the stage.
Introduce yourself (even long time members can say a little something about themselves. lol.)
Introduce yourself (even long time members can say a little something about themselves. lol.)
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/24/07 9:58 pm | #3
Quote by rooster ALIEN:
so I saw a sig in another forums that said "so so #29 in State name" so I got curious how I rank in New Mexico.

dam Im number 2
so I saw a sig in another forums that said "so so #29 in State name" so I got curious how I rank in New Mexico.

dam Im number 2

Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/24/07 10:40 pm | #4
Quote by rooster ALIEN:
so I saw a sig in another forums that said "so so #29 in State name" so I got curious how I rank in New Mexico.

dam Im number 2
so I saw a sig in another forums that said "so so #29 in State name" so I got curious how I rank in New Mexico.

dam Im number 2

Hey man, welcome.
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/24/07 11:12 pm | #5
hey man sorry just got kinda confused with your welcome +P but welcome to a great site
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/25/07 12:56 am | #6
Welcome! First time I've seen a person use somebody else's introduction thread as their own as well. If we had more people like you we could save space and the earth so Al Gore can be happy in his mansion with his hundered-thousand dollar electric bill.

Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/25/07 2:24 am | #7
Welcome to XBA. I guess I would be one of the older members you talked about so I'm letting you know I'm here. (Raising my hand in the air) lol
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/28/07 5:21 pm | #8
I just signed up- I am checkin' it out...
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/28/07 6:29 pm | #9
cool welcome
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/28/07 6:35 pm | #10
welcome all these new members to xba
Re: Introduce Yourself!
07/28/07 6:39 pm | #11
welcome people
Re: Introduce Yourself!
08/13/07 10:42 am | #13
welcome rooster. thanks for the links
Re: Introduce Yourself!
08/13/07 12:10 pm | #14
welcome dude