Archived: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
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Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 2:36 am | #46
bite me Psoraine lol
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 2:42 am | #47
Are we gonna get a community spotlight for June?
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 2:46 am | #49
I figured Craig or Allpro would get it!
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 2:52 am | #51
But he's a turd sandwich.
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 2:57 am | #53
lol I tried to change my gamertag to that when I couldn't have sweatpantsboner! I guess turdsandwich is also taken! lol
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 3:00 am | #55
I KNOW!!! Chix iz weeeeeeeerd! lol
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 3:04 am | #57
IRL I am not a turd sandwich. It's ok
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 3:38 am | #59
*waves hand around like a palm tree in a hurricane* OOH OOH OOH OOH PICK ME!! PICK MEEEEE!! I HAZ SOMETHING 2 SAYZZZ!!!
Re: Interview: May Community Spotlight: ReverendMeta
06/26/08 10:03 am | #60
I can't believe I still haven't played rock band or GH 1, 2, or 3. Must be getting old
I'll jam out with you Mayo, even though I really suck at GH. Maybe rock band would be more my style. Drums only though, I can't play those Dam Guiters for Sh!t and you really, really don't want to hear me sing.