Archived: In need of a new game
Posted Under: Gaming
In need of a new game
07/19/08 10:33 pm | #1
looking for some good online fun....should i go with Unreal 3 or Bad Company or something else?
Re: In need of a new game
07/19/08 11:08 pm | #2
My vote is for Battlefield: Bad Company...if you can get your hands on the Gold Edition, get that because it gives you 1 extra weapon for each class. Makes it a little easier when your just starting off in the online.
Plus the single player is pretty good too, I still need to finish it
Plus the single player is pretty good too, I still need to finish it
Re: In need of a new game
07/20/08 1:03 am | #4
Re: In need of a new game
07/20/08 1:14 am | #5
Quote by Shockwave22:
unreal is fun and fast paced
So is Battlefeild: Bad Company...but YOU would say
Re: In need of a new game
07/20/08 1:25 am | #6
ut3 is super fun if you got friends to play it with but i don't know if i'd recommend it if you don't have a few buddies to play with, not saying it's a bad game i'm just saying it's a game you'd want to play with friends.. kind of like shadowrun or gears/r6v2 more fun with friends not so fun without

Re: In need of a new game
07/20/08 2:56 am | #8
Quote by majority ru1e:
bad company bored me to tears
kind of the same effect UT3 did to me
Re: In need of a new game
07/21/08 12:06 am | #10
i went with bad company simply because more of my friends are playing that
Re: In need of a new game
07/21/08 1:14 pm | #11
Quote by majority ru1e:
if you get bored with it then play with fun people.
ut3 has some super easy achievements
ut3 has some super easy achievements

You know, I do have to agree with you on this...I was playing the game while I didn't have connection, but than again..EVERYTHING is funner when you play with fun people

Quote by KingKoracin:
i went with bad company simply because more of my friends are playing that
I need to finish the game than go back and do it on Hard...I still have a couple online achievements that i need to get too
Re: In need of a new game
07/21/08 1:25 pm | #13
It's not fast so much as running around quickly....but you always have people shooting at you from guns, helicopters, rocket launchers, tanks or trying to knife you and it uses a great deal of team work in the game as well ...I mean, it's a pretty intense game just as UT3 is.
Re: In need of a new game
07/21/08 1:33 pm | #15
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
WTF!!! they have helos in bad company and rockets as well....maybe if they had those in the demo I woulda been more interested.
very true my dear friend....very true, lol
One of the achievements on BF:BC is jumping out of a helicopter
you can fly them in the game as well, it's much easier to drive then it is on MP, IDK why they did that, I don't even drive it on MP but I need to so I can get one of my badges