Archived: I'm Back Rofl
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I'm Back Rofl
08/17/08 10:47 am | #1
hey guys my vacation way great. i noticed the donation thing and thought it was kool (unfortunatly i am only 15 and do not have a credit card and or paypal srry guys i would but can't). surprisingly me and greg(xone5hotx) were at myrtle beach at the exact same time rofl. but we were at different camps. But i did pass his camp. I think it would have been hallarious if we would have camped in the same park cus it is one thing to meet someone online and become good friends but to meet in person would be cool. oh and before i finish did anyone else get a dashboard update . i didn't notice any changes.
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/17/08 10:48 am | #2
o and florida was F***ing HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/17/08 11:07 am | #3
The update was just something to make the fall updating a bit wont notice anything until the big one comes
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/17/08 11:08 am | #4
its florida. it doesnt go below 60 degrees >_< hardly
lolololol you almost met greg
wait, howd you know he was in the same area? im guesisng you talked to him or something?
anyways, welcome back.
lolololol you almost met greg
wait, howd you know he was in the same area? im guesisng you talked to him or something?
anyways, welcome back.
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/18/08 11:13 am | #7
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
o and florida was F***ing HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man you should have thrown me a line so I sell your camp my cases of triple priced Girl Scout cookies.
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/18/08 8:28 pm | #9
Quote by Repo Man 360:
Oh man you should have thrown me a line so I sell your camp my cases of triple priced Girl Scout cookies.
i don't think they would have let you into fort wilderness without a reservation
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/18/08 9:39 pm | #10
I like the mint chocolate ones!
My favourite line from Addams Family Values:
"I'll buy some of your lemonade if you buy some of our girl scout cookies. Is it made with real lemons?"
"Are your cookies made of real girl scouts?"
My favourite line from Addams Family Values:
"I'll buy some of your lemonade if you buy some of our girl scout cookies. Is it made with real lemons?"
"Are your cookies made of real girl scouts?"
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/19/08 5:40 am | #12
thin mints+whatever the peanut butter ones are called=awesome. those are like the only ones ill eat. if i liked coconut, samoas would be pretty good. but i hate coconut >_<
Re: I'm Back Rofl
08/23/08 1:12 am | #13
Quote by Lou83:
Didn't know you left, but welcome back.
Welcome back Chief. Hope you had fun.
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