Archived: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 2:39 pm | #2
I'm exciiiiited! I can't wait either. I'm going to get it at midnight Thursday. I even took off work on Sunday!
Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 3:14 pm | #3
Woo, I'm psyched too
Can't freaking wait for this, took work off Friday, and depending on how addicted I am I may be "sick" on Monday.

Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 5:11 pm | #5
Quote by PSORaine:
I'm not that excited... I'll play it, but I'm not all omg omg omg omg omg!!!! like I was for Fallout...
wtf! everybody got all "omgomgomgogmogmogmogomgmom" for the two games you predicted were going to be the best (fable 2 and fallout 3), noweth you must returneth the favoreth!!!!
gow 2 r gon be so much pwnagz0r!!!
Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 5:18 pm | #6
i'm not excited at all. i'll play the story, and probably about an hour or two of the multiplayer and i'm sure i 'll have my fill of gow 2 by then........but then again, you never know......
i remember when gow came out, i couldn't wait for months, i took the day out of work, went to gamestop early, waited and waited, the manager told us( there were about 4 or 5 of us in the store) , to come back in a few hours, i did........some more waiting, and finally in the mid afternoon, he told us that the warehouse never received it for shipment....wasted day.
but it was fun for about a week......
i remember when gow came out, i couldn't wait for months, i took the day out of work, went to gamestop early, waited and waited, the manager told us( there were about 4 or 5 of us in the store) , to come back in a few hours, i did........some more waiting, and finally in the mid afternoon, he told us that the warehouse never received it for shipment....wasted day.

Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 5:23 pm | #7
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
i'm not excited at all. i'll play the story, and probably about an hour or two of the multiplayer and i'm sure i 'll have my fill of gow 2 by then........but then again, you never know......
i remember when gow came out, i couldn't wait for months, i took the day out of work, went to gamestop early, waited and waited, the manager told us( there were about 4 or 5 of us in the store) , to come back in a few hours, i did........some more waiting, and finally in the mid afternoon, he told us that the warehouse never received it for shipment....wasted day.
but it was fun for about a week......
i remember when gow came out, i couldn't wait for months, i took the day out of work, went to gamestop early, waited and waited, the manager told us( there were about 4 or 5 of us in the store) , to come back in a few hours, i did........some more waiting, and finally in the mid afternoon, he told us that the warehouse never received it for shipment....wasted day.

this is different live...this, is gow2...the amazing sequel to gow....
dont put yourself to down may love the game =D
atleast rent it, if you arent going to buy it...
Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 6:02 pm | #8
we need a co-op group for friday night or sat.
Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/03/08 6:05 pm | #9
i'll buy it at cc to get the 1600 point card, then i'll use it to buy vigilante8 from the marketplace!

Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/04/08 8:41 am | #11
Well, I didn't pre-order it like I should've...I may have too wait to get this one....the last on my list for this year for titles I really want.
Re: IGN Reviews Gears of War 2
11/04/08 9:44 am | #13
I have never actually found a need to pre-order either; whenever I go into Gamestop they are always like "Oh, you better pre-order your copy, or you won't get one". I have never had a problem finding a game, systems yes, but never games. I even found a copy of Wii-Fit back when it came out. I pre-ordered Gears to get into the midnight release, but like what was mentioned in the other thread, when new games come out I like to look at the Sunday flyer and see what the best deals are, and then go to Best Buy and get all the free stuff from them

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