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And developer Epic Games has been listening. Two title updates have been released for Gears 2 so far, and a third patch is in the works, according to posts on the game's official message boards. A frequent poster named OrtanaIV has conveniently gathered all the official Epic posts from the past month that mention possible changes to the online multiplayer that could come with Title Update 3. The post gathers comments Epic developers Rod Fergusson and Joe Graf have made in response to forum users' questions about ongoing problems with Gears 2 multiplayer. Here's a general breakdown of what Epic is considering changing with the upcoming update (which does not have an official date just yet):
* Fixing chainsaw invincibility glitch
* Shorter duration for smoke grenade downing (standardized to two seconds)
* New leveling system that's experience-based rather than TrueSkill
* Five new achievements tied to the updated leveling system
* Only the host of a match will lose experience if they quit a game early
* Most recent shotgun shield glitch fixed
* Country preferences available
* Bots on Insane difficulty would replace players who drop out of matches
* Meatflag would no longer glitch off the maps
* Sniper rifle hit detection would be tweaked
* Two-piecing (consecutive double melee attacks) has already been tweaked on the server side and could see more changes
* New playlist options
* More fixes to address cheating
It's important to note that these are only proposed changes. Epic has made no official announcement about what exactly will be included in Title Update 3. But it seems like Gears 2's producers are really listening to fan input and communicating regularly about what they have in store. So if you're a Gears 2 fan with questions or comments about what's to come for multiplayer, head over to Epic's official forums to make your voice heard.