Archived: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 7:03 pm | #1
This past week, I spent my days at my step-dads house pretty much gaming from 10 in the morning to 11 at night. Pretty pathetic, I know, but my dad has over a hundred games and I had to get in on that. First, I played Eat Lead: Return of Matt Hazard, and got over 800GS in it, next I got 1k in Disney's Up, then got 400GS in Wanted:WoF, and played a few other games. It all totaled up to 3150 points in just a couple days. However, I was offline during the whole process, my live had expired. So, I went out today and bought a 3 month card. When I logged in to LIVE, all of it was gone. Doubtless, I said a few choice words after I found this out. So, I figured there were two options I could take. One: Do something productive with my life and stop whoring points, or Two: Begin the painful process of doing it all again. I have yet to decide, so if anyone has went through something like this, please let me know so I can feel a little less bad about it.
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 7:09 pm | #2
It shouldve still counted, ever if your offline or run out of live
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 7:10 pm | #3
I recovered my gamertag onto a different harddrive first, that's how I lost it.
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 7:41 pm | #6
yep recovering and not signing onto live, and then recovering it again, will always make you lose points. i had to do the whole 1000 on sonic ugc again cause of that, but at least it was fun lol.
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 8:11 pm | #7
ooh sorry to hear that man. Thats why i have my gamertag on a memory card. well I did but then my profile got too big for the memory card i have so now i have to get a bigger one

Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 8:55 pm | #9

Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 9:21 pm | #10
As tupid as it sound I keep my Profile on a MU and carry it with me to avoid recovering it happen to me once for like 30 pt and my lesson was learn. Tough luck 3k i'd be pissed.
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 10:51 pm | #13
that sucks, I've never even played a game offline so that's never happened, but you should probably replay them as soon as you can since you'll remember what to do and it won't take you as long to beat the game probably since you've recently played and beat it.
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/10/09 11:48 pm | #14
UP will be his most tedious, boring and more boring game to replay
Re: I just lost 3 thousand GamerScore.
07/17/09 1:41 am | #15
well its not that bad. you can probably redo all of those game again in a short amount of time no problem.