Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
2741...but then subtract some away b.c. of strangle hold...so about 2710?
why subtract?
Quote by Lady Evol:
lol It's o-tay. I'll check.

Well there used to be anyway. Aldemar says no. But I remember there being a place in your games library or something. Maybe it was before the NXE Update.
Yea i remember that there was before the NXE
But subtract because...(story time)
Along time ago in a place down the road from my house...
I was at a friends and i was going to barrow stranglehold from him but i was over for a bit (this was before i had my account on a MU) so I recovered my account over there to try out some stranglehold. Then 30minutes later when reocvery was done i signed in~his auto sign it activated and well you can fill in the blanks
I hate that it happened now because i despise the fact that people profile glitch and gamesave etc on XBL and the fact that I have any glitched achievements in that manner haunts me. I wish they had a way to remove games totally (besides 0 GS ones) but from when I looked into it on xbox.com recently I read something about only being able to do complete resets and... well if that happened i wouldnt know what to do with m self anymore so I just let it be for now.
also the same reason i have that "subtract 600" in my sig
i still played the game after this and beat it but a lot of it got screwed up