Just discuss your playing type, without giving away any spoilers.
Archived: How do you play ODST
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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How do you play ODST
09/29/09 9:27 am | #1
I was just wonder how you guys played the Rookie section of the game. For me, for some reason, I went into Fallout mode, trying to evade things and look for hidden items and ammo.
Just discuss your playing type, without giving away any spoilers.
Just discuss your playing type, without giving away any spoilers.
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 10:47 am | #3
Killed everything!
Re: Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 11:09 am | #4
Quote by KSU DS:
Killed everything!
Same here.
Though I did use my Fallout stealth. I would sneak in and take out the brutes first and then wipe out the poor little grunts as they try to run away.
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 11:54 am | #5
i mainly run to the next checkpoint. but i kill who gets in my way
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 12:35 pm | #6
In the campaign it's pretty much get to the next checkpoint. On firefight we'll have two people stay near a mounted gun and two roam around as hunters. Seems to work well.
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 12:45 pm | #7
On my xbox
but sometimes I can't
apparently there is a problem with ODST and older xbox's that keeps bringing up a disc read error or it won't read it at all 
when I actually get to play tho I run and gun mostly but I sneak here and there.

when I actually get to play tho I run and gun mostly but I sneak here and there.
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 12:53 pm | #8
I would recommend using the controller
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 1:41 pm | #9
Get to the next mission as quickly as possible... snag a ghost as well
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 1:59 pm | #10
Solo on Legendary....so I try to avoid as much conflict as possible. Some places you have to go at 'em though.
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 2:32 pm | #11
I don't. Halo blows!
Re: How do you play ODST
09/29/09 3:02 pm | #12
I run in there throw some grenades and shoot then run back out.
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