Archived: Hockeypuck55
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
10/14/06 1:24 pm | #1
Alright, I live in Ohio, near Dayton (Beavercreek) go to Miami University in Oxford. I am 18 and primarily play FPS because I like to kill people. Gamertag is Hockeypuck55 because I've played hockey since I was 4 and 55 is my number. I like movies, girls, and long walks on the beach. I do surprisingly like to read, mostly military and mystery guns and killing stuff. I mostly like to listen to rap but I also enjoy alternative rock.
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 2:01 pm | #2
I thought you went to Wright State. I am getting people confused now....
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 2:09 pm | #3
Quote by hockeypuck55:
I like to kill people.
This is one to stay away from..
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 2:10 pm | #4
Quote by Pastafarianism:
This is one to stay away from..
lmao. Didn't notice that one.
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 2:16 pm | #5
Quote by Hockeypuck55:
Alright, I live in Ohio, go to Miami University in Oxford. I am 18 and primarily play FPS because I like to kill people. Gamertag is Hockeypuck55 because I've played hockey since I was 4 and 55 is my number. I like movies, girls, and long walks on the beach.
I live in Ohio Love to watch the buckeyes and I play any xbox game(mostly FPS) I play football for the best team in the world! and I dont have a job, but I make my money selling stuff for people on ebay(next big sell is the PS3) my number is 42.
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 7:58 pm | #6
Quote by alzapa:
I live in Ohio Love to watch the buckeyes and I play any xbox game(mostly FPS) I play football for the best team in the world! and I dont have a job, but I make my money selling stuff for people on ebay(next big sell is the PS3) my number is 42.
You should make your own thread zapa.
Re: Hockeypuck55
10/14/06 9:22 pm | #7
lol yea zapa... dan2ghost goes to wright state
Re: Re: Hockeypuck55
02/07/10 11:51 pm | #9
Quote by STD:
Wow, just Wow our supermodel I mean supermoderator only got 6 replies. Thats just wrong so instead of saying welcome to XBA I will say thank you for staying a part of XBA. Keep up the good work.
Well there was only 6 people on the site at the time...

Re: Re: Hockeypuck55
02/07/10 11:56 pm | #10
Quote by STD:
Wow, just Wow our supermodel I mean supermoderator only got 6 replies. Thats just wrong so instead of saying welcome to XBA I will say thank you for staying a part of XBA. Keep up the good work.
He probably was new to the site 4 years ago lol

Re: Hockeypuck55
02/07/10 11:58 pm | #11
is it me or is hockeypuck and hektic the only two mods that have been mods and have/can STAY mods?? all our others failed epically
just sayin xDDD

Re: Hockeypuck55
02/08/10 12:44 am | #12
Hail and welcome to XBA, Hockeypuck!
How are you enjoying NHL 2K6?
How are you enjoying NHL 2K6?

Re: Hockeypuck55
02/08/10 12:48 am | #13
Quote by Hockeypuck55:
because I like to kill
Quote by Hockeypuck55:
I do surprisingly like to read, mostly military and mystery guns and killing stuff. I
lotsa killin huh? that's cool as long as it's not me

Re: Re: Hockeypuck55
02/08/10 1:06 am | #14
Quote by Taco:
is it me or is hockeypuck and hektic the only two mods that have been mods and have/can STAY mods?? all our others failed epically
just sayin xDDD

I've been a staff member and a mod for quite a while there Mr Taco.

Re: Re: Re: Hockeypuck55
02/08/10 1:10 am | #15
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Taco:
is it me or is hockeypuck and hektic the only two mods that have been mods and have/can STAY mods?? all our others failed epically
just sayin xDDD

I've been a staff member and a mod for quite a while there Mr Taco.

hockey/hektic > you
just sayin