Archived: Hi. My Name Is..
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 6:57 pm | #1
Allison. aka Alli is here. i love my xbox very much. been a gamer since i was born. 14 years. k. ttyl.
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 6:58 pm | #2
Hey welcome to XBA. Stick around, but stay away from the dip.
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 6:59 pm | #3
Welcomee to XBA!!!

Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 7:00 pm | #4
Welcome to XBA!
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 7:28 pm | #8
Welcome to XBA
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/27/09 9:35 pm | #9
welcome to xba
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/28/09 12:43 am | #10
Hello and welcome to XBA!!! I hope you enjoy it here.
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/28/09 12:54 am | #13
Hail and welcome to XbA, Alli
Re: Hi. My Name Is..
06/28/09 10:52 am | #15
Hi Alli, welcome to XbA!!!
It looks like you have some cool games. I haven't played Quake Wars yet, but Call of shooty is one of my favorite. Looks like where going to have to work on that gamerscore though. That no problem as this is the right place for that. Send me or just about anyone on the site a Freinds request and lets put a cap in someones Arse!!!
So again welcome to XbA, have some complementary Dip. (it's Free to all new members)
It looks like you have some cool games. I haven't played Quake Wars yet, but Call of shooty is one of my favorite. Looks like where going to have to work on that gamerscore though. That no problem as this is the right place for that. Send me or just about anyone on the site a Freinds request and lets put a cap in someones Arse!!!
So again welcome to XbA, have some complementary Dip. (it's Free to all new members)