Archived: Hey
Posted Under: Off-Topic
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12/24/05 3:33 am | #1
Hello all.I dont have an Xbox or Xbox 360 I have been a Sony (playstation) and Nintendo (NES,N64,Gamecube) owner but I had alot of Problems with my Playstation (it frooze alot and load times were long i dont know why) and game cube was just bad (no offense to anyone) so I'm deciding to give Microsoft and Xbox a try.
Re: Hey
12/24/05 3:06 pm | #2
Quote by Inuyasha8819:
Hello all.I dont have an Xbox or Xbox 360 I have been a Sony (playstation) and Nintendo (NES,N64,Gamecube) owner but I had alot of Problems with my Playstation (it frooze alot and load times were long i dont know why) and game cube was just bad (no offense to anyone) so I'm deciding to give Microsoft and Xbox a try.
at a boy
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