Archived: Hey guys
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hey guys
06/14/08 8:17 pm | #1
Hey guys, my name is Iron, I'm from California, and I admit it, I'm a GS whore. I have a fairly low GS, only about 3000 as of June 14, 2008, but I'm working on it
. So, hey, and I hope to make some friends on here. All friend requests are accepted, as I have a low amount of friends on my list.

Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 8:19 pm | #2
Welcome to XBA, hope u enjoy it here!
oh and dont worry you will meet some cool and wierd people on here.
oh and dont worry you will meet some cool and wierd people on here.
Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 8:21 pm | #3
Welcome Iron. Being a whore isn't always a bad thing. Besides, we accept everyone here.

Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 8:26 pm | #4
Lol @ GibsonsBoobie and Ty at DeadlyKiller.
Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 9:23 pm | #6
Welcome to XbA!!
Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 10:04 pm | #7
Thanks everyone!
Re: Hey guys
06/14/08 11:04 pm | #8
whats up iron..welcome to the site
Re: Hey guys
06/15/08 12:27 am | #9
Welcome to the site Iron!
Re: Hey guys
06/16/08 9:13 am | #10
Welcome to the site man.
Re: Hey guys
06/16/08 9:22 am | #11
Welcome to XBA iron!! Kick up your feet and grab a controller!
Oh and don't listen to Raine, ever.
Oh and don't listen to Raine, ever.
Re: Hey guys
06/16/08 9:24 am | #12
Quote by theevol1:
Oh and don't listen to Raine, ever.
truer words have never been spoken
Re: Hey guys
06/16/08 11:27 am | #14
Welcome to XBA