Archived: Hey There
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Hey There
03/18/07 10:32 am | #1
Hey, the names cathXoXlic, and this site looked cool so I figured why not join. What's going on?
Re: Hey There
03/18/07 10:38 am | #2
Hey man, welcome!
Re: Hey There
03/18/07 12:44 pm | #3
wats up man, welcome to the site
Re: Hey There
03/18/07 1:15 pm | #4
welcome to Xbox america
Re: Hey There
03/18/07 7:11 pm | #5
Welcome to XbA! We've got a bunch of people from Massachusetts already here too.
Re: Hey There
03/18/07 11:42 pm | #6
Welcome to the site
make yourself at home

Re: Hey There
03/19/07 4:24 am | #7
Welcome to XBA! Pull up a couch and join in!
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