Little info: Just got my 360 in Jan 08 and got 6650gs (with already having to send it off once because of 3 rings of death). Hopefully this one will last a little longer. I am definetly addicted to achievements, though I have been avoiding most of the "easy 1000 pt" games. Currently working on a few games Ranging from Mass Effect to Skate to Halo 3, So I play everything. See you guys on the South Carolina Board.
Archived: Hey Everyone
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hey Everyone
06/27/08 1:14 pm | #1
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself.
Little info: Just got my 360 in Jan 08 and got 6650gs (with already having to send it off once because of 3 rings of death). Hopefully this one will last a little longer. I am definetly addicted to achievements, though I have been avoiding most of the "easy 1000 pt" games. Currently working on a few games Ranging from Mass Effect to Skate to Halo 3, So I play everything. See you guys on the South Carolina Board.
Little info: Just got my 360 in Jan 08 and got 6650gs (with already having to send it off once because of 3 rings of death). Hopefully this one will last a little longer. I am definetly addicted to achievements, though I have been avoiding most of the "easy 1000 pt" games. Currently working on a few games Ranging from Mass Effect to Skate to Halo 3, So I play everything. See you guys on the South Carolina Board.
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 2:12 pm | #4
captcrunchpants? roflcopter much
hey send me a fr on live and you can chill w/ me and mdub93 on halo 3
and then after mdub leaves you can join me and one5hot to battle for sexy pr0nz lol
soi soi soi!
hey send me a fr on live and you can chill w/ me and mdub93 on halo 3

soi soi soi!
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 2:32 pm | #5
hey crunchy welcome to the site..its always great to have a new member join us in the midst...what part of SC are you from?
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 3:32 pm | #6
Welcome to XBA! Anyone with a GT with pants in it, is OK with me!! lol
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:05 pm | #9
Thanks for all the welcomes...
blakzombietaco: Yeah we can get on halo sometime... As long as you can deal with my inconsistant games
Kidd Cartel: I am from Myrtle Beach, nice gamercard btw
about evol1 comment: Better to be with pants, then without. Tends to get you arrested in public.
The name actually came from a weird inside joke that happened at a friends house. I would tell it but it is only funny if you were there. It started out as just crunchpants then evolved when I got my 360.
blakzombietaco: Yeah we can get on halo sometime... As long as you can deal with my inconsistant games

Kidd Cartel: I am from Myrtle Beach, nice gamercard btw
about evol1 comment: Better to be with pants, then without. Tends to get you arrested in public.

The name actually came from a weird inside joke that happened at a friends house. I would tell it but it is only funny if you were there. It started out as just crunchpants then evolved when I got my 360.
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:18 pm | #10
Quote by CaptCrunchPants:
Thanks for all the welcomes...
blakzombietaco: Yeah we can get on halo sometime... As long as you can deal with my inconsistant games
Kidd Cartel: I am from Myrtle Beach, nice gamercard btw
about evol1 comment: Better to be with pants, then without. Tends to get you arrested in public.
The name actually came from a weird inside joke that happened at a friends house. I would tell it but it is only funny if you were there. It started out as just crunchpants then evolved when I got my 360.
blakzombietaco: Yeah we can get on halo sometime... As long as you can deal with my inconsistant games

Kidd Cartel: I am from Myrtle Beach, nice gamercard btw
about evol1 comment: Better to be with pants, then without. Tends to get you arrested in public.

The name actually came from a weird inside joke that happened at a friends house. I would tell it but it is only funny if you were there. It started out as just crunchpants then evolved when I got my 360.
That's why I am no longer allowed in the library! long story...
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:22 pm | #11
Quote by CaptCrunchPants:
Kidd Cartel: I am from Myrtle Beach, nice gamercard btw
that's cool man...i wasin M.B. for about three months, I was working the nuclear plant outage in southport, about 45'ish minutes from sure you know where its
Quote by theevol1:
That's why I am no longer allowed in the library! long story...
but a very funny one at that....LoL!
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:26 pm | #12
Quote by theevol1:
That's why I am no longer allowed in the library! long story...
Not sure if i wanna know....
Quote by kiddcartel:
that's cool man...i wasin M.B. for about three months, I was working the nuclear plant outage in southport, about 45'ish minutes from sure you know where its
Actually I am orginially from Virgina so I really only know parts of Myrtle Beach.
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:39 pm | #13
LOL!...oh okay than...I stayed in a condo with a buddy of mine that was working the outage as well...i dont remember the name of them was on hillside dr...started with an "A", i know it doesnt help, lol...but anyway
like i previously frequently...and enjoy your stay
one the DLC for R6V2 we will get an xbox America (XBA) night going....we have those anyway, so if you have the game join us...send me a f.r.
like i previously frequently...and enjoy your stay
one the DLC for R6V2 we will get an xbox America (XBA) night going....we have those anyway, so if you have the game join us...send me a f.r.
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 4:49 pm | #14
Welcome to XBA
Re: Hey Everyone
06/27/08 5:32 pm | #15
Welcome to Xbox America
Hit me up on Live.
Hit me up on Live.