Hey guys. I have found this cool website
http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest and i tested my PC because i know the integrated graphics card is killing it. I looked at their recommended cards after i ran a test to see if i could run Fallout 3(which i already Knew i was going to fail) and i saw this card
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4353651&CatId=1558 it was really cheap and i looked around the net for reviews and such. it looks nice and fits my budget. i just want a card that is better than my integrated one and can play a lot of games on low or medium setting. plus i can run my monitor in digital instead of analog.
P.S. one last thing
in the attached photo are those PCI-e ports because i need it for the card itself. Im not sure wheather it is PCI PCI-e or APG
Thanks for any help
*edit links were showing up*