Archived: Hello from Main
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Hello from Maine
06/06/08 1:53 am | #1
Hello my name is John, just wanted to say HELLO to everybody and its pretty neat seeing what my rank is in my state and i thought it was cool to see that im 13th, now i just need to become 1st, is there a way that i can find out who is 1st in my state? Thanks in advance.
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 2:08 am | #2
I was gonna say, You can't misspell your state! lol
But anyhoo! Welcome to XBA! your last stop before gamerscore waffledom! Go to the top of the page and click on leaderboards, find your state, and click on go. the first score you will see, is the #1 in your state!
good luck and enjoy!
But anyhoo! Welcome to XBA! your last stop before gamerscore waffledom! Go to the top of the page and click on leaderboards, find your state, and click on go. the first score you will see, is the #1 in your state!
good luck and enjoy!
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 4:07 am | #5
I know, I should be nicer to the noobs!!

Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 8:39 am | #6
Welcome to XbA!!!
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 10:59 am | #7
Welcome to Xba
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 11:45 am | #8
Welcome to XBA
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 11:53 am | #9
Hello coed 234, nice to have you here, enjoy!
...And PSO Raine, is that the cat from Azumanga Daioh on your sig?
...And PSO Raine, is that the cat from Azumanga Daioh on your sig?
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 12:16 pm | #11
Yeah I loves me some Anime. Azumanga is a great one! I had to run out and get them! My anime dvd collection is growing... slowly, but I have some classics in there... Wicked City, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, and a few others that aren't so readily known... Nurse Witch Kogumi, anyone!
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 2:28 pm | #13
Welcome to XBA
Re: Hello from Main
06/06/08 2:29 pm | #14
hey there welcome to the boards
ghost in shell i remember watching that when i was 7 ahh that was a long series
is yu yu hakusho anime i seen that too
ghost in shell i remember watching that when i was 7 ahh that was a long series
is yu yu hakusho anime i seen that too