"as you all know, i sold my xbox 360. i will be returning when i purchase the elite as soon as it comes out in late april"
Archived: Heard from Mushroomhe4d
Posted Under: Off-Topic
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Heard from Mushroomhe4d
04/18/07 7:28 pm | #1
Got a message from Mush on Xbox Live a couple days ago. Thought I would post it for those wondering what he has been up to. Replied back and asked him to stop in....
"as you all know, i sold my xbox 360. i will be returning when i purchase the elite as soon as it comes out in late april"
"as you all know, i sold my xbox 360. i will be returning when i purchase the elite as soon as it comes out in late april"
Re: Heard from Mushroomhe4d
04/18/07 7:43 pm | #2
Sweet. I'll be great to get mush back around when he gets it. He'll have to tell us how the Elite is when he gets us.
Re: Heard from Mushroomhe4d
04/19/07 2:40 pm | #3
Selling your xbox 360?!?!?!? this this is unheard of!!! Its Blasphemy, Blasphemy!!!! lol
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