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Archived: Halo2 RaMpAg3 III

Posted Under: Off-Topic




The Roster Sheet for the H2 Rampag3 III is up once again at FRAGOHIO.com.
The event structure is being voted on at the following URL below.
Our Last event was a $200.00 2v2 Event and Team |PRIME TIME| swept the floor with the compitition!

Oug goal for posting here is to get the PRO HALO gamers at FRAGOHIO some more compitition and make things more intresting. Fragohio is a GAMER's Dream when it comes to Tournaments LOCAL here in Ohio. We try having 1 HALO event per month with a CASH POT.

::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE HALO2 RaMpAg3 III :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

The FFA Tournament will START at (7:30PM SHARP)

You will be playing groups of 4. Top 2 Gamers will advance to the next bracket.
Loosing players will enter the loosers FFA bracket.

#2-double Elimination ( FFA ) Elimination (Score Based)
#3-Weapon's on MAP (Starting Weapon:Battle Rifle, Second:SNIPERs , Weapon on Map: DEFAULT
#4-Starting POT Payout. $100.00 @75% ENTRY FEE WILL BE $10.00 Per Player


FFA MAP ROTATION: Lockout , Midship & Beaver Creek

Settings - 1v1 games THE FINAL 2 Gamers left from the FFA will go HEAD to HEAD!

1. All settings listed below are those that are not default for Slayer.
2. Score to Win Round = 15
3. Round Time Limit = 20 Minutes
4. Suicide Penalty = None
5. Starting Weapon = Carbine
6. Weapons on Map = No Duals
7. Map = LOCKOUT

::::::::::::::::::::::::: FFA ELIMINATION SERVER SETUP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1. Resolve Ties = Off
2. Suicide Penalty = None
3. Motion Sensor = Off
4. Team Changing = Off
5. Respawn Time Modifier = None
6. Betrayal Penalty = None
7. Weapon Respawn = Double Time
8. FRAG limit ( 50 ) Kills
TV SETUP: Split Screen Gaming

::::::::::::::::::::::::: GENERAL FFA ( MLG RULES ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1. All Settings listed below are those that are not default for Slayer.
2. Score to Win Round = 50 FRAGS
3. Round Time Limit = 0 Minutes ( FRAG LIMIT SET )
4. Suicide Penalty = None
5. Starting Weapon = Battle Rifle
6. Weapons on Map = BattleRifle, Snipers, Default
7. Locakout, Midship, Beaver Creek

This MLG will be a 2v2 Tournament Structured Event

1. Team Slayer - Midship
2. Team Slayer - Lockout
3. Team Ball - Midship
4. Team Ball - Lockout


1. Resolve Ties = Off
2. Suicide Penalty = None
3. Motion Sensor = Off
4. Team Changing = Off
5. Respawn Time Modifier = None
6. Betrayal Penalty = None
7. Weapon Respawn = Double Time
Team Slayer (except Sanctuary)
1. Round Time Limit = 15 Minutes
2. Starting Weapon = Battle Rifle
3. Weapons on Map = No Duals

Team Ball

1. Score to Win Round = 5 Minutes

2. Round Time Limit = 15 Minutes

3. Starting Weapon = Battle Rifle

4. Weapons on Map = No Duals

CTF Cl@ssic Midship & Warlock

1. Score to Win Round = 5

2. Round Time Limit = 30 Minutes

3. Flag Reset Time = 15 Seconds

4. Flag Indicator = Off

5. Starting Weapon = Battle Rifle

6. Weapons on Map = No Duals

::::::::::::::::::::::::: GENERAL MLG HALO 2 RULES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1. No grenade jumping.
2. No getting on top of any ledges on Warlock.
3. No leaving the normal boundaries of a level at any time (i.e. getting on top of a map).
4. No communication between players during 8-player FFA games (Pro FFA Only).
5. No hiding the flag in walls on any map.
6. No placing the ball out of reach.
7. No super bouncing.
8. No use of the guardian glitch
9. No looking at an opposing teams TV by players or coaches
10. Any sign of cheating will result in a forfeit of the game and possible ejection.
11. Failure of all four members to be at your designated station when announced will result in a forfeit of the entire match.
12. No quitting out of a team slayer game.
13. Do not quit out of a game without the permission of your stations referee. Quitting from a non-team
14. All players must play with the Spartan character model.
15. Players must use their registered MLG Login Name during all games.
16. No warm-up games during Match Play.
17. During scheduled warm-up periods the winners can stay, but the losers must get up.
18. Teams still active in the tournament have priority over free play stations.
19. In the case of an Xbox/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time the malfunction occurred.
20. Games started without the approval of a referee will be restarted.


1. Breaking rule #1-4 will result in a foul. Fouls stay with a player/team throughout the tournament. Two fouls during one game will result in a forfeit. Once a player/team reaches two fouls, each subsequent foul will result in a forfeit.

2. Players found breaking rule #5 will be asked to immediately remove the flag from its hiding spot. If the flag is not removed immediately the team forfeits the game.

3. Breaking rule #6-12 will result in a forfeit of the game.

We put OHIOs BEST, To the TEST!

Any Comments can be posted in the RaMpAgE III Comments Topic!
All the best,
|FO|Admin & H2Admin (Staff)

Re: Halo2 RaMpAg3 III
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cool if its not to far of a drive i mite come to the next tourny
Re: Halo2 RaMpAg3 III
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sounds cool man, i'll check the site
Re: Halo2 RaMpAg3 III




Good Deal Gentalmen....
The Pot's for the tournament most all of the time start out at
$200.00 and GROW. FRAGOHIO.com has to take %25 for supporting the event.
It's a have to! We got the center to support and if we give the whole pot away there is no moneys left for BILLS! So that would end our Venue for HALO2 PRO Gamer and Amature Gamer Tournaments.

Thanks for your Support, The event's and the site are GROWING!
By supporting other site's like XBOXOHIO.com within our forum's under Community Support the whole OHIO community's getting STONGER and growing together!

Gamers, Thanks for your Support! XBOXOHIO.com ( Thank YOU ) for being here.
All the best,
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