I get off at 12:00am CST
Archived: Halo Wars
Posted Under: Gaming
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Halo Wars
03/23/09 6:48 pm | #1
anyone wanna run some CO-OP in halo wars?
I get off at 12:00am CST
I get off at 12:00am CST
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 6:57 pm | #2
(Off Topic sorry) Did you know halo wars stole the whole interface from LOTR BFME 2! LOTR WINS! Lol

Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 7:12 pm | #3
thank you for that, i think.....
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 7:20 pm | #4
(off topic again) but u could say halo wars took command and conquers game play too.... If u want to wait till sunday i could do coop. But im sure u dont want to wait
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 8:45 pm | #5
i work sundays , but i get off at 12AM CST, if u will be up
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 8:48 pm | #6
anyone have a decent strategy for legendary.
Arcadia city is a B**** and that is all the farther i got
Arcadia city is a B**** and that is all the farther i got
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 8:50 pm | #7
havent tried on leg. did u try will all the player buff skulls on?
Re: Halo Wars
03/23/09 9:46 pm | #8
Thats what 2am est? Im sure ill be up. I dont go to sleep till about 6am est
Re: Halo Wars
04/07/09 10:29 pm | #10
Im looking for some people to team up with in 2v2 or 3v3. Hit me up on here or on live if you're interested

Re: Re: Halo Wars
04/08/09 1:36 pm | #12
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
I need that BFF achieve.
I need it too. If you wanna do the campaign with me, just send me a FR so we can set something up.

Re: Halo Wars
04/08/09 2:09 pm | #13
(Off-Topic) I like beans with a side order of Awesomewammy Sauce.
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