Archived: God of War II and Tecmo Bowl
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God of War II and Tecmo Bowl
03/13/07 12:25 pm | #1
well only good real reason to own ps2 is God of War and now God of War II come out today and for all you people with wii can enjoy the 1000+ yard throw in Tecmo Bowl on the wii in the VC for 500 wii points
Re: God of War II and Tecmo Bowl
03/13/07 3:53 pm | #2
Ah yes, God of War II. I am pretty excited to see a sequel to an incredible game. I actually just posted my original God of War on eBay today, so hopefully I can make a little quick cash to help pay for my bad gaming habit.
As far as the Wii Virtual Console thing. I have yet to purchase anything off of there. I haven't bought a remote to play the older games yet, although I have a gamecube remote still, so it hasn't been an interest for me yet.
I hope they come out with a new Animal Crossing game for the Wii soon! I loved me some DS Animal Crossing.
As far as the Wii Virtual Console thing. I have yet to purchase anything off of there. I haven't bought a remote to play the older games yet, although I have a gamecube remote still, so it hasn't been an interest for me yet.
I hope they come out with a new Animal Crossing game for the Wii soon! I loved me some DS Animal Crossing.
Re: God of War II and Tecmo Bowl
03/15/07 8:36 am | #3
Yeah, and Animal Crossing for the Gamecube was hella-fun. I haven't gotten anything off of the Virtual Console yet either, but I may have to invest in it sometime in the near future. As for God Of War II, my friend pre-ordered it, so he should beat it some time this weekend (if our St. Patty's Day shenanigans don't leave us incapacitated)

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