Archived: Glitched achievments
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Glitched achievments
11/02/09 7:30 pm | #1
This sucks I played cars race-o-rama and got all the achievments except the one for getting all the achievments
. I hate glitched achievments they piss me off sooo bad when you play a game and it screws you.

Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 7:32 pm | #2
tell me about it i have the same problem same game. I have already e-mailed thq about the whole bull shit and they have responded by saying we will fix the problem as soon as possible. I mean how f-ing hard is it to write a simple code to unlock the achievement? The ps3 version is not glitched. Just the xbox's version.
Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 7:34 pm | #3
I was on x360a and they have a huge post about this game and alot of pissed off people that didn't get the completion because they FUCKED up.
Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:21 pm | #4
maybe u just dint do it right man
Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:25 pm | #5
This reminds me to e-mail 2K sports and bug them about NHL 2k7 and 2k8......
Re: Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:27 pm | #6
Quote by nWo Member69:
maybe u just dint do it right man
The achievment is just for unlocking all other achievments which I have done I don't see any real way to mess that up.
Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:31 pm | #7
Yea can't really mess up getting ALL the OTHER achievements, lol. Looks like I won't be playing this until it's patched.
Re: Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:34 pm | #8
Quote by AJ:
Yea can't really mess up getting ALL the OTHER achievements, lol. Looks like I won't be playing this until it's patched.

Re: Glitched achievments
11/02/09 8:41 pm | #9
if you check out mygamercard.net and search for leaderboards of the game cars race-0-rama you will find that nobody has gotten the last achievement. I didn't find that out till gamefly already sent the game out to me.
Re: Glitched achievments
11/09/09 11:25 am | #11
F.E.A.R 2 had one where you kill more then you get killed in a match. did it 4 times never got it and other people somehow did.
Re: Glitched achievments
11/09/09 11:46 am | #12
Burnout paradise. Pisses me off. I spent 50 hours playing that game, completing all the races, all the challenges shutting down all the cars. and I didn't get my last achievement. Criterion Elite. All because when I first got the game I bought the time savers pack which makes all the cars accessible. The worst part about is I never even used any of the cars.
One of these days I'll start a new game and play through it again for my completion. But damn it if that doesn't just piss me off.
One of these days I'll start a new game and play through it again for my completion. But damn it if that doesn't just piss me off.
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