Archived: GibsonsBoobie is no more
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Re: GibsonsBoobie is no more
06/28/08 6:50 pm | #106
I see your hiding "In Plain Sight"

Re: GibsonsBoobie is no more
06/28/08 9:47 pm | #107
Thats hilarious....you should start a poll now to figure out the new tag once they are on to your scandals again. Hell by then maybe that will be the return of GibsonsBoobie since they seem to have A.D.D. when it comes to making people............hey theres something shiny over here......Woohoo!! a dime!!!!.......change their tags!
Re: GibsonsBoobie is no more
06/28/08 11:17 pm | #108
Quote by WitnessBoobie:
I've changed my gamertag to 'Witness Boobie'.
Microsoft is dumb enough not to check for Boobie again.
Anyways, "We are all Witnesses" has been the Nike slogan applied to LeBron James and the Cavs the last few years. I'm happy with my new gamertag. I get to still have Boobie, and keep the prior meaning.
Plus, who doesn't like to witness some boobies?
Microsoft is dumb enough not to check for Boobie again.
Anyways, "We are all Witnesses" has been the Nike slogan applied to LeBron James and the Cavs the last few years. I'm happy with my new gamertag. I get to still have Boobie, and keep the prior meaning.
Plus, who doesn't like to witness some boobies?