Archived: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/22/09 4:50 pm | #16
still not stopping people from quitting. i say they enable in game joining. only thing that will EVER fix it.
Re: Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/22/09 5:00 pm | #18
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
My friend and I pulled a half nighter, managed to get like 200 rounds in. D:
It's actually fun now.
It's actually fun now.
glad you think so. its always been fun. just retardedly annoying when it comes to people quitting and stupid things happening that shouldnt.
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/22/09 6:44 pm | #20
I kinda wish there was a way to quit without goin to the dashboard. I can't tell you how many times I had to go all the way to the dashboard when one of my friends disconnected from the party. Either fix disconnects, or add an actual way to quit.
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/22/09 7:13 pm | #21
i swear people quit just because there is no option to quit. this problem was nonexistant in Gears 1...
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/23/09 2:16 pm | #22
Too bad the multiplayer is still garbage.
Re: Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/23/09 2:28 pm | #23
Quote by Kamikaze8:
i swear people quit just because there is no option to quit. this problem was nonexistant in Gears 1...
You must've not played ranked matches in Gears 1 my friend, becuase people quit all the time.
The reason why people quit in Gears 2 so much is becuase of the lag, and becuase there is no penalty for quitting early.
Re: Re: Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/23/09 3:44 pm | #24
Quote by CIA Agent D:
Quote by Kamikaze8:
i swear people quit just because there is no option to quit. this problem was nonexistant in Gears 1...
You must've not played ranked matches in Gears 1 my friend, becuase people quit all the time.
The reason why people quit in Gears 2 so much is becuase of the lag, and becuase there is no penalty for quitting early.
i played gears 1 for a total of 56 days. already have played more gears 2 than 1. but I must have just not cared back then.
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/25/09 11:55 am | #25
Gears 1 may have been my favorite game of all time. Active whoring ftw!
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/25/09 10:10 pm | #26
I dont like the gears 2 multiplayer. I think people ive played with in the past just made me dislike the game

Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/25/09 10:55 pm | #28
i honestly havent seen to much of a diff -_-
Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/26/09 6:15 am | #29
my biggest complaint is people lagging out of the match, or getting stuck at the loading screen, and quitting.
Re: Re: Gears of War 2 Title Update Now Available
01/26/09 9:49 am | #30
Quote by Kamikaze8:
my biggest complaint is people lagging out of the match, or getting stuck at the loading screen, and quitting.
I don't play GOW2, but from what I've heard my friends say it's this and smoke grenades which kinda ruin the game. You think it wouldn't be that hard to just fix the smoke grenades to not be soo cheesey... and they need even more strict penalties for quitters it looks like. I still plan on picking this game up one day, but probably just to play the campaign. I heard the campaign is epic and very fun.