Archived: Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
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Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
07/17/07 6:52 pm | #1
According to TeamXbox, both Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3 will be released for Mac OS X. This is really great for gamers who use macs. Between the EA announcement at WWDC, and this, game developers are beginning to realize there is a market for games for Mac. I might end up buying UT3 for both 360 and Mac. I'll probably pass on Gears.
Re: Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
08/02/07 11:23 pm | #2
Rumor has it that the PC version will have graphics ON PAR with CRYSIS! I guess the U3 engine has taken in many tweaks and upgrades, and they will be using a new build of the engine that is supposed to look outstanding. Unreal Tournament 3 looks amazing, but its always been a quake wannabe to me as I played quake 3 religiously and that is quite possibly my favorite FPS ever along with quake 2.
Re: Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
08/04/07 5:21 pm | #3
That really surprises me about Gears though, I figured that would be a "game for windows" or whatever.
Re: Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
08/04/07 5:41 pm | #4
Quote by syztem x:
That really surprises me about Gears though, I figured that would be a "game for windows" or whatever.
Money changes everything man, its the way the world turns
Re: Gears and UT3 for Mac OS X
08/04/07 8:07 pm | #5
It makes the world go 'round?

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