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Archived: Gears Of War

Gears Of War
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Remote Control Glitch (Shotgun Chainsaw)

cheat: First off, you can't be host to do this glitch.

1) Take you Lancer and shoot a few rounds from it, but not the whole clip.
2) Get an ative reload. But when you would press the reload button to get the reload, you also have to press the fire button and melee button. So, in other words, when the bar goes into the active reload area, press RT+RB+B all at the same time.
3) Now, keep those buttons down. If done correctly, you should be firing blanks right now.
4) Quickly switch to your shotgun and as soon as you have it out, let go of all the buttons.
5) Shoot the shotgun once and you're ready to go.
6) Press and hold A and run into someone. There should be a chainsaw animation, but no blood and it won't kill the victim. You have your hostage now.
7) To kill him, switch to your Lancer and he will blow up. Also, if you get killed, it will also kill the hostage.

DON'T DO THIS GLITCH (OR ANY GLITCH FOR THAT MATTER) IN RANKED MATCHES!!! It's best to do with your friends who won't boot you or file complaints.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Automatic Roadie Run (online)

cheat: On any level online, go up to a ledge that you can climb over and get up against it.
Next hold forward and click A and Y at the same time.
If done correctly, you should jump over the ledge and start to roadie run automatically without holding the A button.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Hold a Troika Glitch

cheat: This works on War Machine only.
At the Troika aim it to the left and a little up, then get off it and walk backwards until you almost fall off the elevated platform.
Once there walk to the right a little bit (don't fall off platform), now do the chainsaw glitch - press A and B while facing the Troika until you're floating, then walk left while you're still floating and keep pressing X until you grab onto the Troika.
Congratulations your guy is now ducked down, turned around with his arms crossed behind him, while holding onto the Troika.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Get Into Ranked and Player Matches Faster

cheat: This does not work if you do a quickmatch search, only if you do find a match.
When you select "Find Custom Match" and set the settings to how you want, when the menu says "searching" wait about 3 seconds and press "X" (refresh).
A list of games should appear and you can join them.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Gridlock Flying Glitch

cheat: At Gridlock get your lancer out when you first begin the game. If you are a locust you are on the right side to be on.
Go up to the Hammerburst, don't get it though and instead click B and X together at the same time on the stairs facing downwards.
Then you will be on the stairs hovering, then walk to the middle pole in the wide open and shoot like 10 lancer bullets quick to the ground in different areas.
Then double click the button that let's you reload and jam your lancer.
Then in the middle of your lancer being jammed jump down, and if you start shaking then go down go on the white truck, moving up and down at least about 3-5 times.
Stand on the edge of the truck and you will start flying.
The only weapons that work up there are the sniper, Hammer of Dawn, Boomshot and the Bow.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Exploding Chainsaw Glitch

cheat: Hold A and B at the same time and your chainsaw should go down but still have the same sound as if it is being ripped, also the gun will be smoking a little bit.
When this happens release A but continue holding B, then when you run up to chainsaw an enemy they explode.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Toilet Easter Egg

cheat: This cheat only works on RoofTops.
You spawn at the left side of the spawn's.
You get out your smoke grenade, you walk up to the windows and chuck it in.
Eventually you will see a guy on a toilet!
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Clock Tower Glitch #1

cheat: In Clocktower when you spawn on the left side of the map, to the right of you you will see broken stairs and a ledge.
Sprint with your body parallel to the ledge and you will run up onto the broken stairs.
Once you are up, you can move around and go to another section of the broken stairs
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Walk The Dog

cheat: This glitch only works in Warzone online when the enemy is down and at least one of your teammates alive.
First get any enemy down and make sure you have your lancer. Tell your team mate to get his pistol out.
Once you start to chainsaw the downed enemy, your teammate has to melee him twice as you chainsaw (shooting him twice works too).
This will not kill him but as you walk back the downed body will follow you.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Stronger Shotgun Glitch

cheat: If you're not host and you want your shotgun to be stronger this is for you.
First take out your pistol. Next shoot twice and reload and immediately after you get a perfect reload switch to your shotgun and keep pressing the reload button.
Then your shotgun should jam, but now you have a stronger shotgun.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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White Cars Glitch

cheat: This glitch will work on any level that has one of the white cars that you can hop on.
Take cover in front of the white truck (NOT on top of it).
You will need to get your Lancer Chainsaw Rifle out.
Hop out from the cover and shoot your entire magazine at the back window of the truck.
Then get a perfect reload and hop on to the truck on the far end.
If done correctly you will fall out of the map.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Because of stupid threads like these you have people glitching in Ranked matches that think they are hot shit.
Re: Gears Of War
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Silver Waffle
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Gamercard Lover
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Quote by meg a destr0yer:

Because of stupid threads like these you have people glitching in Ranked matches that think they are hot shit.

Thats true but i would love to do it against some of my friends and make them mad (i love doin it)
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Gamercard Lover
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Beta Tester
Beta Tester

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So then you can end up telling them how to do it and when they get mad in ranked because they suck they can't glitch and cheat and make everyone else mad.

That's what everyone else does.

It's not even fun anymore because all the stupid idiots that play.
Re: Gears Of War
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy

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Its a game....People glitch because they can. Thats why i share it with the good people on this site. So you(gamers out there) can say 'O' thats how come i get my ass kicked. Better yet the next time you play him(Glitcher) you can beat him...People will always have a way to cheat...Thats why there is this forum.
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