Archived: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
Posted Under: Xbox News
Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 9:35 am | #1
For those that missed it, here is the new Gears of War 2 gameplay trailer that debuted last night on TV. It shows off some new vehicles, new Horde tendencies and you get to see Marcus grabbing a locust as using him as a shield. Good stuff. Check it out below:
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Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 10:18 am | #2
This game will be amazing
now i really cant wait
This game will be amazing
now i really cant wait
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 12:01 pm | #4
The Game looks awesome, but is it a 10?? lol Just kidding I looks great can't wait to do that same board!
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 12:54 pm | #5
That huge group of locust on the ground that they're driving by...that was insane. Looks like we'll be actually fighting hordes of them this time, instead of four or six at a time...
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 1:25 pm | #6
that was pretty badass stuff
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 2:04 pm | #7
This game is going to be sweet. I just wish that Cliffy B would fade into the background, I think he's such a tool, he's always gotta be at the forefront of everything, gotta be in every shot, like he has to make sure you know how awesome he is. But I digress.
This game is going to be really awesome, although I am still a little upset that we never got act 6 on 360 for GoW, this looks like fighting Brumaks is going to be pretty common, so i'm hella excited.
This game is going to be really awesome, although I am still a little upset that we never got act 6 on 360 for GoW, this looks like fighting Brumaks is going to be pretty common, so i'm hella excited.
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 11:22 pm | #9
I'm so pumped for this game.
It better come out in November, I hate when the dates get pushed back! I will def be buying this game at midnight
It better come out in November, I hate when the dates get pushed back! I will def be buying this game at midnight

Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/10/08 11:32 pm | #10
cant wait to play it.
i kinda stopped playing gow 1 all of a sudden after halo 3.
and after cod i suddenly stopped playing that.
tis weird.
i kinda stopped playing gow 1 all of a sudden after halo 3.
and after cod i suddenly stopped playing that.
tis weird.
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/12/08 8:49 am | #11
Wow, so much to take in for a short video clip!!!
Re: Gears 2 Gameplay Trailer
05/14/08 12:50 pm | #15
looks way more action packed then the first one cant wait!!!!!