Closed: Games owned needs updating
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Re: Games owned needs updating
09/06/08 2:07 pm | #106
Seeing this thread reminded me to update my games owned. Thanks guys
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/06/08 2:16 pm | #107
I didn't see the nfl head coach game (not sure that's the title) It hasn't been released on it's own yet but it was bundled with limited edition Madden 09 (so I have it now)
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/06/08 2:20 pm | #108
Gin Rummy, E.A. live stat tracker, and E.A. Fantasy draft tracker need added!
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/10/08 12:27 pm | #110
lol well here's a couple games even if they aren't ones people would normally buy.
Hail to the Chimp
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
I found all of those fairly cheap last night and decided to feed my gaming addiction once again.
Hail to the Chimp
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
I found all of those fairly cheap last night and decided to feed my gaming addiction once again.
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/14/08 11:28 pm | #112
Quote by Shockwave22:
need to add Rockband 2 and Star wars: The force unleashed, Duke Nukem 3d (arcade game)maybe add Saints row 2, Fable 2, too be ahead if u want lol
if youre going ahead, may as well ad svr 09, tna impact (idk if its there), fallout 3, gow 2, etc..
is castle crashers there? i havent checked so >->
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/23/08 10:16 am | #115
Rock Band 2 still isn't on the list.
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/23/08 5:53 pm | #116
Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise seems to be missing.

Re: Games owned needs updating
09/23/08 10:38 pm | #118
Gin Rummy (XBLA game) and Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 need to be added. You have Dance Dance Revolution Universe TWICE.
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/27/08 9:59 am | #119
Quote by Supreme Entity:
Gin Rummy (XBLA game) and Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 need to be added. You have Dance Dance Revolution Universe TWICE.
Quote by TX Dead Man TX:
I noticed that The Bigs was not on there. I have looked up and down many times and I just don't see it.
Re: Games owned needs updating
09/27/08 10:46 am | #120
Quote by TX Dead Man TX:
These two XBLA are really not games, but what about Live Score Tracker and Live Draft Tracker. These are the only two that I have left to put on my list.