Archived: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 5:17 pm | #2
I <3 Gamecrazy. It is here in Texas too.
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 5:22 pm | #3
i like gamestop. i get(used) 10% off with edge, 16% being a CAG member, and whatever deals they have stack with that and they have free shipping. i bought dark sector, viking, condemned 2, and burnout paradise last month for $ 58.00.
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 5:53 pm | #4
Got Gamecrazy over here on the East coast too; mine is connected to a Hollywood Video. Its hit or miss with the prices; some games that Gamestop have for wicked cheap are real expensive at Gamecrazy, and vice versa. I get 10% off at mine for being an MVP member.
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 5:58 pm | #5
all we have is gamestop where i live.and i got far cry it is one of my favorite multiplayer games just not that many people play it anymore

Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 6:29 pm | #6
I had it but gave it to my nephew.
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 6:39 pm | #10
Oh god Lou... Have fun with Superman! I heard that it might be the worst game ever! lol
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 6:40 pm | #11
lol never even seen a game crazy in my life in wisconsin but when i go to our local gamestop i see used games that have game crazy stickers all over the cases.
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 7:02 pm | #14
Quote by Shockwave22:
in MN there with hollywood vidoe
go to and put in zip code or somethiing in there find store
go to and put in zip code or somethiing in there find store
yeah i looked at that but the nearest one is like 30 miles away lol
Re: Gamecrazy bettr than Gamestop
09/06/08 7:05 pm | #15
yeah gamecrazy is with hollywood video most of the sanford they are connected but the one here in florence just has a hollywood video