Archived: Game suggestions?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Game suggestions?
10/10/09 11:55 pm | #3
It all depends on which 6 you already own. I would suggest listing the 6 you have, so we have a place to start.
BTW, this is a good thread, I'm proud of you Bubbles, not a spam thread in a long time. Good job.
That said,
Xmen Origins: Wolverine
Gears of War
Call of Duty 2-6 and Classic when released on XBLA
Hannah Montana(I have this in the trade thread
) lol
Fable 2
BTW, this is a good thread, I'm proud of you Bubbles, not a spam thread in a long time. Good job.
That said,
Xmen Origins: Wolverine
Gears of War
Call of Duty 2-6 and Classic when released on XBLA
Hannah Montana(I have this in the trade thread

Fable 2
Re: Game suggestions?
10/10/09 11:58 pm | #5
I went to his profile and then edited my post. lol.
Re: Game suggestions?
10/11/09 12:00 am | #6
Orange Box will keep you occupied for a long time, it's pretty fun too.
Fallout 3 for sure.
Mercs 2 is a pretty great sandbox/3rd person shooter.
That's all I got right now.
Fallout 3 for sure.
Mercs 2 is a pretty great sandbox/3rd person shooter.
That's all I got right now.
Re: Game suggestions?
10/11/09 12:02 am | #7
Gears 1 or 2
Too Human
Gears 1 or 2
Too Human
Re: Game suggestions?
10/11/09 12:03 am | #9
Arcades I would recommend
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Re: Game suggestions?
10/16/09 4:49 am | #10
Mass Effect
Assassins Creed
Dead Rising
Mass Effect
Assassins Creed
Dead Rising
Re: Game suggestions?
10/16/09 7:29 pm | #11
ODST is great if you have friends online to play with and has a great single player story.
GTA IV is always good fun
I would say COD 4 but the sequel is coming out soon, so go get that one instead.
Oblivion if youre into that sort of thing
GTA IV is always good fun
I would say COD 4 but the sequel is coming out soon, so go get that one instead.
Oblivion if youre into that sort of thing
Re: Game suggestions?
10/16/09 10:50 pm | #12
ill give some good cheaper games for ya.
crackdown for sure
mass effect if u can stand the AI
dead space 19.99 new now
skate 2
more expensive games
fallout 3 GOTY edition
fable 2
ODST only if u like halo
borderlands comes out tuesday
brutal legend if ur into simple RTS games and metal music
dirt 2
NFS shift
arcade games
braid if u like puzzles
south park
TMNT re shelled
splosion man
any classic sonic
Trials HD
thats all i can think of right this second but i enjoyed all of those.
crackdown for sure
mass effect if u can stand the AI
dead space 19.99 new now
skate 2
more expensive games
fallout 3 GOTY edition
fable 2
ODST only if u like halo
borderlands comes out tuesday
brutal legend if ur into simple RTS games and metal music
dirt 2
NFS shift
arcade games
braid if u like puzzles
south park
TMNT re shelled
splosion man
any classic sonic
Trials HD
thats all i can think of right this second but i enjoyed all of those.
Re: Game suggestions?
10/16/09 11:03 pm | #13
I agree with everyone who said Bioshock. Everyone who owns a 360 should at least try it, and right now you can get it with Oblivion for $40 new, probably less depending where you go. That deal makes me wish that I hadn't played them yet! lol
For XBLA games, I would say Peggle. Braid is a great game, but it's not for everyone. Try the trial before buying that due to it's high price.
For XBLA games, I would say Peggle. Braid is a great game, but it's not for everyone. Try the trial before buying that due to it's high price.
Re: Game suggestions?
10/16/09 11:37 pm | #14
My opinions: Rainbow Six, God of War, Chromehounds, Test Drive, any Need for Speed