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Archived: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
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Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:42 pm | #1
So if any old members can remember, me and Crucified Ninja made like 10 threads on Mountain Dew Game Fuel in August 2007 haha.
Does anyone remember this? It was the Mountain Dew with Master Chief on the can.
Well now it has returned with World of Warcraft on it. There is still the old flavor ( the red one ) and a new blue one.
The Red one is a mix of code red and livewire and the blue is a mix of code red and voltage.
But yeah I really think they should keep this on the market but just keep changing the can every couple of months for new popular games (Ex. COD6 ODST )
So what do you guy think of it? I know me and da1337nesMonstr LOVE it
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:45 pm | #2
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:47 pm | #3
Hell yeah I've bought 2 12 packs this weekend haha
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:50 pm | #4
I like both of them, but did not know that they were mixtures of Code Red.
That said, does anyone else think that the red one tastes like Flintstones Vitamins?
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:52 pm | #5
I don't know, I haven't had flinstone vitamins in years haha but yeah I like both of them but I prefer the red one
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:55 pm | #6
Very glad to hear this, I freakin' love Dew.
I think my favourite is still Pitch Black II though, sour grape + caffeine mmm.
Do the new Game Fuels have increased caffeine & ginseng and such?
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:58 pm | #7
lol look at my collection for the halo 3 launch...
supprisingly it didnt last long
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 8:58 pm | #8
I liked Pitch Black II when it was out. I also like Livewire.
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:00 pm | #9
Xbox should have a branded drink
Re: Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:01 pm | #10
Quote by SeanTM22:
lol look at my collection for the halo 3 launch...
supprisingly it didnt last long
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:02 pm | #11
@ Meta- I don't know if it has more caffine. I know for sure it has more then normal dew ( I drink 2 of these a day and can stay up till 3 am with no problem. No crash either )
All I know is that it has more caffine then a can of red bull ( but those cans are small
Re: Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:04 pm | #12
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Xbox should have a branded drink
It can have 360mg of caffeine. Just enough to make you think your dying but not really dying. lol.
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:06 pm | #13
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:07 pm | #14
Re: Game Fuel is BACK!!!
06/14/09 9:10 pm | #15
I like caffine
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