i wasn't originally gonna' get it, too. i drove around a little in 3 but never did the missions. not really my kind of game. or i didn't think it was, anyway. awhile back i had a friend over and i specifically told him "don't play that game on my profile! i don't want another 0 on my list!"
he went ahead and did it anyway. -_- (as well as halo 3)

he ended up selling me his copy, and it's seriously one of the funnest games i've ever played. it's almost too realistic in some senses, but then there's some things that aren't (like getting into a wreck right in front of a cop and walking away) but that's okay, cuz who wants to have the cops on them the whole game anyway?
i just got into the MP two days ago and it's addictive as hell. alot of trash talkers, but when you play deathmatch you don't really need a mic anyway. and THEN a friend of mine invited me into party mode, which let's you play with your friends, running and gunning without cops. (which i like, but at the same time it would be cool to outrun the cops with your buds)
anyway, this isn't a review or anything, but i just thought i'd share.
GTA rocks!