What do u think they could have done different with the game
Archived: GOW BS
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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12/03/06 6:26 pm | #1
I find so many things in Gears of War that are a load of crap. First of all explain how a guy can kill you with one shotgun shot when u shoot him the same but he doesnt blow up. This is without a perfect reload. Nade tags are bs to. Either u are 20ft away and get tagged or u roll away from someone u tag and u blow up 20ft away. Some weird stuff.
What do u think they could have done different with the game
What do u think they could have done different with the game
12/03/06 6:33 pm | #2
Personally, I really don't like the grenade tags. They can tag you from way to far away, and as far as I know, theres no way you can counter it. For example, if someone tries to chain saw you, if they get hit, they have to rev it again.
Also, I think either lag, or the game can cause some bullshit misses.
Besides that, no complaints.
Also, I think either lag, or the game can cause some bullshit misses.
Besides that, no complaints.
12/03/06 7:40 pm | #3
Yeh def agree with you. Its pretty lame like that. I really hate the way the shotguns work though
12/12/06 3:20 pm | #4
Are you kidding dude??!! Personally, I think that the shotgun is one of the best weapons in GOW. It's kinda like the shotgun in Halo & Halo 2. You have to shoot them in their "sweet spots" such as the head or the very middle of the enemies body. It always works for me. As for the grenades, I hate those things!!! That's a weapon primarily used by noobs.
12/12/06 3:54 pm | #5
Quote by BreakerOne:
I find so many things in Gears of War that are a load of crap. First of all explain how a guy can kill you with one shotgun shot when u shoot him the same but he doesnt blow up. This is without a perfect reload. Nade tags are bs to. Either u are 20ft away and get tagged or u roll away from someone u tag and u blow up 20ft away. Some weird stuff.
What do u think they could have done different with the game
What do u think they could have done different with the game
Dude, you have opened up Pandora's Box here, with this thread.
1. Chainsaw collision detection, gay, gay, gay. We've all revved up our chainsaws BEFORE our opponent revs his, and still got chain sawed by him/her. Not to mention, how you can dive out of the chainsaw's effective range and the shit pulls you in like a god damn Star Trek tractor beam, and you get creamed. I've seen and have had happened to me, where I GOT AWAY from the chainsaw, but still burst into pieces, dozens of feet away. And my favorite, I ran away from the 'chainsawer', only to be caught in its tractor-beam-like pull, get forcefully SPUN AROUND and then promptly cut to pieces. I can go on and on about the chainsaw and its flaws.
2. Shotgun. I like this weapon, and there are several things wrong with it, but I will mention only two. One, getting shot and downed by one blast from a ridiculous distance. Yes, I know about the host advantage, and the increased effectiveness when getting a perfect active reload, but still it is annoying. Second, but this is more a chainsaw related glitch than a shotty glitch, you shoot someone point blank in the face/head when they are about to chainsaw you and they do not die, or even down. This again is a flimsy chainsaw collision issue more so than a shotgun issue.
3. Grenade tags are bad as well. Like the chainsaw, its collision detection, needs a patch.
4. Why, why, why can't I invite friends in Rank matches? It is stupid, cheaters will cheat no matter what M$ does, but to deter friends, in fact to discourage people from playing together in what is supposed to be essentially a team-based game, is asinine.
(At least there's a patch (oh boy!

I'm getting all worked up over this, I will stop here...

I wrote a while back a user-review to GoW at gamerankings.com, give a browse if ya want: http://www.gamerankings.com/comments/173156,928234
Hope that link is allowed.

12/12/06 4:38 pm | #6
I agree to some extent on everyone's views. I personally don't have much of an issue with the shotgun because I've seen and know players that play off of their host and dominate with it just as much.
Chainsaw detection is ridiculous, as well as the distance needed to tag with grenades.
The voice glitch...Aarrrrrgghhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than that there are a few map glitches that need to be fixed, but all-in-all the game is pretty good.
Oh, I still don't understand why people want to play ranked with their friends, I just don't get that complaint. Open up a pub w/ private slots and invite your buddies. ::shrug::
Chainsaw detection is ridiculous, as well as the distance needed to tag with grenades.
The voice glitch...Aarrrrrgghhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than that there are a few map glitches that need to be fixed, but all-in-all the game is pretty good.
Oh, I still don't understand why people want to play ranked with their friends, I just don't get that complaint. Open up a pub w/ private slots and invite your buddies. ::shrug::
12/12/06 4:46 pm | #7
I think the main reason for wanting to play with friends on ranked matches is because people still want to be able to get the achievements.
12/12/06 5:16 pm | #8
Quote by arCtiC vBi:
Oh, I still don't understand why people want to play ranked with their friends, I just don't get that complaint. Open up a pub w/ private slots and invite your buddies. ::shrug::
Public matches are no where near the same challenge nor fun as ranked matches (potentially). Players tend to be far better in Ranked games, than in Match play.
I get tired of going 5-0, 5-1, 10-1, etc. on Match play too often, not to mention that people quit WAY more often during match play than during Rank play.
However, when I play ranked games, my "teammates", for the most part don't work together, steal kills, steal weapons you asked to have, it's almost like a free-for-all except you only have to worry about 4 opponents, as far as killing them or being killed by them, and worry about your "teammates" as far cooperation. Will they allow you to grab that weapon (just once)? Will they help you out? Will they revive you (more often than not, they don't)?, etc. This isn't fun, this is bull. Because of these things, I play rank games not to win, but to get the most points/kills (without kill stealing) of any player in the match, this is not how I want to play, this is how I HAVE to play to have a semblance of fun.
Microsoft screwed up by refusing to allow friends to easily invite each other, and play together as a team in Ranked games. NOTHING they could have done (or are doing), will stop cheaters from figuring out how to exploit a game (case in point Halo 2), it's only a matter of time. They might as well, have made the whole online experience fun and seamless, as it stands, it is cumbersome, annoying, and a black spot, in an otherwise excellent package.
12/12/06 5:37 pm | #9
Quote by Pastafarianism:
I think the main reason for wanting to play with friends on ranked matches is because people still want to be able to get the achievements.
It's not about the achievements for me, look at my Gamerscore, I don't play that many games, and I only got all of the achievements in only one game of all of the games I own or have played.
I want to play Ranked with friends to see if our way of playing (as well as our combined skill), our gameplan (so to speak) and strategy can beat everyone else's. There's nothing more fun for me, than a well coordinated, and well executed strategy that works to perfection, and your opponents all die within seconds. Ah, fun.

12/14/06 7:44 am | #10
Quote by RetsaM316:
It's not about the achievements for me, look at my Gamerscore, I don't play that many games, and I only got all of the achievements in only one game of all of the games I own or have played.
I want to play Ranked with friends to see if our way of playing (as well as our combined skill), our gameplan (so to speak) and strategy can beat everyone else's. There's nothing more fun for me, than a well coordinated, and well executed strategy that works to perfection, and your opponents all die within seconds. Ah, fun.
I want to play Ranked with friends to see if our way of playing (as well as our combined skill), our gameplan (so to speak) and strategy can beat everyone else's. There's nothing more fun for me, than a well coordinated, and well executed strategy that works to perfection, and your opponents all die within seconds. Ah, fun.

I play for fun in gears but i have loads of friends who will not play ranked matches.. I also go for achievements so i wish they either made the axchievements obtainable in a player match or let me have 3 friends on my team with an invite. Some people use cheats to boost gow online achievements which is stupid this game is a blast online if you can't get the achievements online playing for fun then you really arent any good at this game.
12/14/06 3:40 pm | #11
I will only boost for Torque Bow/ Hammer of Dawn because those are horrible weapons imo and I don't want to waste the time getting achievements for them, so I may just boost for half an hour for them.
12/14/06 7:58 pm | #12
i really like all the aspects of this game.
the only thing that is unfair to me is when one of your team mates is getting chainsawed, or stepped on, and you shoot the enemy and nothing at all happens to them.... then they turn around and murder you.. wtf.....
i have learned to wait just enough for them to get done and blow them away with the shotgun from a close range, or you can chainsaw them as they are chainsawying your buddy.....
other then that everything is cool.. except of course lag.
although i have experienced last night some kid cheating on the tyro train station... which i had never seen before..
before the game started he was all cocky saying that no one would kill him... and he was right, coz he was glitching and we couldn't shoot him to kill him...... he ended up getting kicked out though.
the only thing that is unfair to me is when one of your team mates is getting chainsawed, or stepped on, and you shoot the enemy and nothing at all happens to them.... then they turn around and murder you.. wtf.....
i have learned to wait just enough for them to get done and blow them away with the shotgun from a close range, or you can chainsaw them as they are chainsawying your buddy.....
other then that everything is cool.. except of course lag.
although i have experienced last night some kid cheating on the tyro train station... which i had never seen before..
before the game started he was all cocky saying that no one would kill him... and he was right, coz he was glitching and we couldn't shoot him to kill him...... he ended up getting kicked out though.
12/17/06 7:08 am | #13
all i read here is people bitchin. u guys need to grow up take it as u get killed and move on.... any of u play cod3 ???? that game is filled w/ so much lag and gliches its not even funny. the only problem i have had in GOW is i cant get used to the sniper. but that will pass to. we all know host team has the advantage, so approach the game like that. dont try to gun a bitch down at close range unless u r the host team. and nades arent just for newbs !!!!!!!!! im tired of hearing this. u dont wanna get fagged ???? watch out !!!!!!!! its that easy
12/17/06 10:32 am | #14
1.the pistol/melee combo is beast..
2. good strategy beats anything including host yeah he can shoot dead on with the snipe and he has no lag..but when u kill his entire team...hes gonna have a lil bit of a problem right?
3. try and nade tag me and your comin with me or gettin gunned down as u try and roadie run across the whole map to find someone to tag ..or u can catch my active reload sniper rifle bullet in the stomach..and ill watch u bleed out
4.i personally hate the shotty..imma pistol/melee beast in close quarters...
5. if u know how throw a nade..god bless you.
6. try and chainsaw me..u will catch the same result as the nade tag freak. ..a healthy dose of some pistol bullets to your face and a beat down.. then me n my boys celebrate over your body as u bleed out
7 my only complaint is that..i wish the other team got to hear u talk shit while they are downed like halo 2. and i wish u could invite your friends into a ranked match ..cause i dont know about yall but i play with a team and its alot easier to win when u know how your team works ..rather than the chaos that ensues when u play with randoms..cause everyone and there mamma runs for the sniper.
8.in the end strategy and the ability to adapt on a dime to the many situations G.o.W leaves you in..wins rounds..
2. good strategy beats anything including host yeah he can shoot dead on with the snipe and he has no lag..but when u kill his entire team...hes gonna have a lil bit of a problem right?
3. try and nade tag me and your comin with me or gettin gunned down as u try and roadie run across the whole map to find someone to tag ..or u can catch my active reload sniper rifle bullet in the stomach..and ill watch u bleed out
4.i personally hate the shotty..imma pistol/melee beast in close quarters...
5. if u know how throw a nade..god bless you.
6. try and chainsaw me..u will catch the same result as the nade tag freak. ..a healthy dose of some pistol bullets to your face and a beat down.. then me n my boys celebrate over your body as u bleed out
7 my only complaint is that..i wish the other team got to hear u talk shit while they are downed like halo 2. and i wish u could invite your friends into a ranked match ..cause i dont know about yall but i play with a team and its alot easier to win when u know how your team works ..rather than the chaos that ensues when u play with randoms..cause everyone and there mamma runs for the sniper.
8.in the end strategy and the ability to adapt on a dime to the many situations G.o.W leaves you in..wins rounds..
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