PS after buying this and halo3 I think I will be done buying games for a long time.... This is just to much money to keep going. So I am done with new games for a while.
Archived: GH3 who is ready?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
GH3 who is ready?
10/22/07 8:01 pm | #1
So I feel like a nerd for spending this much on a game, but I procrastinated buying GH2 and kept putting it off. Well I have decided to save my money and finally take the plunge so who else will be buying GH3???
PS after buying this and halo3 I think I will be done buying games for a long time.... This is just to much money to keep going. So I am done with new games for a while.
PS after buying this and halo3 I think I will be done buying games for a long time.... This is just to much money to keep going. So I am done with new games for a while.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/22/07 8:17 pm | #2
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/22/07 8:35 pm | #3
I'm dropping somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 bucks this week on games. Not only am I picking up Guitar Hero 3 on Saturday night (Midnight release at Best Buy), but I'll be picking up Ace Combat 6 tomorrow.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/23/07 10:54 am | #4
This week I'm picking up Ace Combat 6, Clive Barkers Jericho and Guitar Hero III. Unfortunately, I didn't pre-order AC6 so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get my hands on the joystic+game combo pack. If I can, I'll be picking that up. So I'l likely end up dropping around 300+ bucks this week.
On point, I've been ready for GHIII ever since the novelty of Rocks the 80's on the PS2 wore off and the XBL DLC packs lost their respective luster.
On point, I've been ready for GHIII ever since the novelty of Rocks the 80's on the PS2 wore off and the XBL DLC packs lost their respective luster.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/23/07 1:32 pm | #5
got ghiii on pre-order... my gamestop is having a midnight release, but I have no intentions of going at midnight to pick up a game!
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/23/07 4:25 pm | #6
I preordered a copy online, probably will get it a day or two after release
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/26/07 9:17 am | #7
I've been waiting for this game since I beat GHII on Expert. I cannot wait till it comes out.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/26/07 3:02 pm | #8
im going to pick up a copy on sunday.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/26/07 4:26 pm | #9
I guess I better break my guitar out, it's been in my closet for awhile.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/26/07 5:23 pm | #10
AHHHHH *runs in circles* I have no money and all these good games are comeing out!!!

Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/27/07 9:17 pm | #11
I heard GH3 is going to be an online multi-player? holy crap.
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/27/07 9:23 pm | #12
meh, im going for rock band
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/27/07 10:12 pm | #13
Too expensive!
Re: GH3 who is ready?
10/27/07 10:43 pm | #14
I'm not gonna get it i wasn't diggin the song list i just got GH2 yesterday i SUCK at it
how long did it take for you to get good?
how long did it take for you to get good?