If you also have a copy and would be willing to do some multiplayer, let me know when and where here. All contributions will be reciprocated of course.
Archived: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 7:51 pm | #1
I got my hands on a copy of Fuzion Frenzy 2 again, and I intend to finish it this time.
If you also have a copy and would be willing to do some multiplayer, let me know when and where here. All contributions will be reciprocated of course.
If you also have a copy and would be willing to do some multiplayer, let me know when and where here. All contributions will be reciprocated of course.
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 8:17 pm | #2
Hey Rev...I know Evol has been trying to get the online achievements for that game....Me and him tried doing it but my connection wouldn't allow us to...Im sure him or repo would be able to help
At least somebody does
Quote by ReverendMeta:
All contributions will be reciprocated of course.
At least somebody does
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 8:26 pm | #3
Evol really wants to close it....Send him a message he will be happy....Be sure to add a Bionicle Heros comment in there too!!!
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 8:33 pm | #4
Yea Rev I will help you no problem. Just set a time with me and I will be there.
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 9:51 pm | #5
Rambo Repo! Thank you sir.
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 10:08 pm | #6
I'll try but I have to go to work at 9:30!
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/17/08 11:05 pm | #7
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Rambo Repo! Thank you sir.
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
Rev thanks for the invite...unfortanately I rented it when me and repo did it online...although I should have re rented it today because I need to get the offline achievements as well.
but thanks again...if i had it, i would come join
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 8:03 am | #8
I need help with the online points, I'll be on tonight around 7:30
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 8:09 am | #9
I will do what I can! This game is starting to stink up my house! I need to get rid of it!! lol
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 8:26 am | #10
i have half day thurs and im off on friday, I've noticed your on when im at work, we'll get this done
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 8:31 am | #11
Yeah, I work midnights so sometimes it's tough to set up games.

Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 2:33 pm | #12
If my connection at this place is good enough, I'd be more than happy to help you out evol, I know what a pain it is existing in the world's off-hours.
Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/18/08 11:16 pm | #13
Quote by ReverendMeta:
Rambo Repo! Thank you sir.
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
How about tomorrow (Wed 18th) at/around 8pm est / 7pm cst?
1LOVE, if you're up for it, you are welcome to come join in the crazy action!
Show us some cool moves!
Same for you Kid, maybe you and I or you and Repo will have better luck with the connection issue?
sorry on wed i get on ...now

Re: Fuzion Frenzy 2 Multiplayer Achievements / Boosting
06/20/08 11:55 pm | #14
I have off until afternoon Monday so if any of you see me on and want to do Fuzion Frenzy, let me know.
Falconz and I got all but the Mini-game Frenzy ones the other night.
I'd still be glad to help anyone get their custom & tournament wins.
You know, if you're bored & spacey enough, some of the mini-games are actually kind of fun. Like on 'Amuseth'.
Falconz and I got all but the Mini-game Frenzy ones the other night.
I'd still be glad to help anyone get their custom & tournament wins.
You know, if you're bored & spacey enough, some of the mini-games are actually kind of fun. Like on 'Amuseth'.