Phase one of the Halo 3 beta (signing up at after the Halo 3 commercial) will conclude this week with notification e-mails sent out to lucky participants between January 22nd - January 26th. If you were not one of the lucky ones, remember you have two more shots at it through the "Rule of Three" program.

You can either buy a specially marked box of Crackdown, or you can pray you are one of the first 13,333 people to participate in at least 3 hours of Halo 2 multiplayer from 2/1 at 12:01 a.m. until 2/3 at 11:59 p.m. Once the three day window ends, head to on February 5th to register. If you missed out on Phase one, you can still participate in this attempt to gain access to the Beta.

Good luck!