Oh, and it looks damn sexy with the red tiger camo.
Archived: Favorite CoD 4 gun
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 3:10 pm | #1
There's a thread for perks, but what about the guns? For me, the M40A3 is where it's at. That sniper is so damn accurate it's scary. Coupled with Stopping Power, anyone within my line of sight is headless. Best of all, I can keep doing prestige mode without losing my favorite setup because the M40A3 and stopping power are available from level 1.
Oh, and it looks damn sexy with the red tiger camo.
Oh, and it looks damn sexy with the red tiger camo.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 5:54 pm | #2
i flip flop between the MP5 and the M16A.. ive been experimenting a lot lately, i dont know what i like best
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 6:08 pm | #3
ive gotten wicked good with the G36c so i use that just about all the time.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 7:11 pm | #4
i still havnt chosen a fav gun yet.
i only started playing online well today actually lol
i only started playing online well today actually lol
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 7:56 pm | #5
my favorite gun is the M60
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/13/08 11:37 pm | #6
SAW + stopping power for when i don't feel like aiming

Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/17/08 10:01 am | #7
that mp-44 which i thought was going to be awesome actually really sucked. they could have at least let you get a red dot site for it or sumthing. oh and does anyone to the actually reason or use for the acog scope for sniper rifles. you cant hold you breath with it and it doesnt have as good of a zoom so whats the use of it. oh and my new favorite gun is the ak-47 now that ive started prestige mode.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/17/08 11:01 am | #8
M16 is ftw. Combined with stopping power, it is invincible.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/17/08 3:09 pm | #9
mp5 perked with steady aim bandolier and use stopping power i beileve
p90 when i get it
but as far as most balenced m16 for sure with an acog
p90 when i get it
but as far as most balenced m16 for sure with an acog
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/17/08 8:08 pm | #10
ive gotten good at the m16 again. since ive started prestige.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/17/08 8:27 pm | #11
G36c with a red dot for short to medium and acog for medium-long range? Otherwise I'd have to say that the Barret .50 Cal it's rawsome.
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/18/08 12:41 am | #12

Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/18/08 6:10 am | #13
If you we're serious then what a R-Tard
, And if you weren't then I'm Sorry!!! 
Oh and my favorite weapon in CoD4 is definetly the G36c, And why cant you use some weapons that you can use in the campaign? That is kind of stupid

Oh and my favorite weapon in CoD4 is definetly the G36c, And why cant you use some weapons that you can use in the campaign? That is kind of stupid
Re: Favorite CoD 4 gun
01/18/08 1:31 pm | #14
I agree with you 100% if they had guns and scopes from the career in multiplayer; multiplayer would be so much more... amazing?