My character is 160 exp away from level 16, so I don't want to have to start a new game until I get to level 20 so I can get the Karma achievement. I won't be playing again until tomorrow, so any input or suggestions is appreciated.
Archived: Fallout 3 Missions Question (spoiler free)
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My character is 160 exp away from level 16, so I don't want to have to start a new game until I get to level 20 so I can get the Karma achievement. I won't be playing again until tomorrow, so any input or suggestions is appreciated.
shoot i 4got yea the 1 at paradise falls cant be redone if you killed the guy
hahaha i accidently sold my mezzer, chief. no slaving for me first time round.
but yeah dude, keep a save before the end.
Also, the mission I was talking about not being able to do was the one at paradise falls. I kinda wiped out everyone at the place.
yeah, selling my mezzer kept me from that achievement too.
i think that save will work just fine. basically, you can play and save right up until you enter the reactor room at the memorial. once you enter that room it's all over.
Quote by Noah 9000:
yeah, selling my mezzer kept me from that achievement too.
i think that save will work just fine. basically, you can play and save right up until you enter the reactor room at the memorial. once you enter that room it's all over.
Ok, thanks a lot man. I'm gonna go off and do some side missions before this mission then.
I would like to start on my good character, seeing as how my current one is evil. But I don't want to attempt to create a new character just to have it over write my old saves due to this games auto save feature.
Mainly I want to collect all of the bobbleheads, but I can't due to the little...ummm..... mishap I had with Megaton when I first started playing and didn't know to grab the bobblehead before said mishap.

Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
Thanks, that's what I was hoping. I am creating my new character now.

or i might have my 2nd be neutral/evil.....yea...that could work....
make it easier on me for right now lol
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