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Archived: Fable 2 Dolls help
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Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 12:52 am | #46
Okay, ended up helping 8 people tonight. Calling it for the night
I will still help others tomorrow and after
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 1:04 am | #49
if i joined someones game who already has all the dlc achieves with the free dlc will it unlock the achieves for me or do i have to buy the premium and then actually do the missions myself in the premium for them to unlock?
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 1:05 am | #50
You have to buy the premium DLC. I tried helping a couple friends get the DLC achievements when it was free and it didn't work.
Oh and Melissa, I will pass on the dolls eventually to someone else to help with the cheevos.
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 1:12 am | #52
ok so im better off just gettin the platinum hits copy off my friend then, and can i just join ur game where u have it completed and boom they pop or do i have to have u join me and actually do all the missions/find the stuff myself on my file for it to unlock?
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 1:18 am | #56
Yeah if you "see" them do it then it will always pop.
However some of them like the dolls and keys will pop if you fiddle with the inventory.
Things like the colourist (DLC collection) will NOT pop by fiddling with the inventory, you HAVE to see it.
Nothing pops right when you join, I just did it fast when you joined Skins
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
04/18/10 1:22 am | #57
ok well i read that if u join someones game who has all the expressions u just need to see them sell one of their books then rebuy it and it should unlock so i figure this works for all those types of achieves...at any rate i need to locate my save file because there is no way that i want to play the beginning all over again. WORST hour ever in gaming/my life. Almost made me want to stop playin right off the bat because of how shitty the beginning of the game is, just give me a loaded gun instead.
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
05/19/10 11:35 am | #58
I am also needing this one. My Gamertag is Raggedy Doctor
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
05/19/10 12:25 pm | #59
I had all the dolls, but I ended up giving them to a friend that helped me get the achievement. If I still had them I'd help out, but I got rid of them almost a year ago and I haven't touched the game since.
Re: Fable 2 Dolls help
05/23/10 10:59 pm | #60
I am online now if anyone can help me. Gamertag is Raggedy Doctor
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