Archived: Early Play
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Early Play
11/06/08 12:41 pm | #1
Not sure if anyone else has notice this but lately while looking at people I have played online with before, a couple of them already have a copy of Gears of War 2. Im still trying to figure this out on how they have this possible. I mean I understand that Microsoft has some kind of game developers that have first dibs but they have been playing it for about the past three weeks. The suspense is killing me and Im waiting for the release. Let me know how you feel about this?
Re: Early Play
11/06/08 12:46 pm | #2
the gears franchise is lame. anyone else tired of space marines?
Re: Early Play
11/06/08 12:51 pm | #3
my buddy has had a copy for the last two weeks that he was able to download online and burn to a disc to play on his 360 but i didn't want that thing coming near my box(was paranoid of getting banned like that lame halo3 kid). he said it was great but i was just surprised how easily he was able to get it.
Re: Early Play
11/06/08 8:39 pm | #4
Some stores have had them for weeks and they don't all follow street date.There was a store in Miami that sold early that I saw with my own two eyes (to bad it wasn't the LE

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