Archived: Dsl or Not
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Dsl or Not
01/14/08 7:24 pm | #1
Alright so i\'ve waited to get Dsl for a while now so that i could use my xbox live account which ive paid so much money for. now that ive gotten it seems that my connection gets slower with everyone who gets dsl in the box next to the phone pole. now the box is right across the street from my house. well my connection lately has been pretty bad for being dsl. and sometimes it reverts to dial-up speeds. now were paying for dsl which can be pretty pricey. plus im paying for my xbox live gold and microsoft points and what not. which is getting really expensive. so idk what im going to do if the connection gets any worse. because i really cant afford to pay for gold if im not using it. so does anyone know if there is a way i may be able to get a better connection? oh by the way right now we are paying for the fastest connection the phone company has. and when im playing xbox live my xbox is the only thing that is using the connection.
Re: Dsl or Not
01/14/08 8:10 pm | #2
um try brodband if you can afford it we get it from our cable company.
or you could interlan but thats not safe to talk about in public...
or you could interlan but thats not safe to talk about in public...
Re: Dsl or Not
01/14/08 8:57 pm | #3
I use DSL and trust me I've had many problems. I do love DSL but sometimes it's a hassle since it should work for the price you pay.
It should work though unless you have crossed lines running on your telephone pole or loose wires in your phone jack in the wall. (both things have happened to me which has made my dsl run like crap)
call and complain and they will send someone out to help better fix the service.
that's what i've done.
It should work though unless you have crossed lines running on your telephone pole or loose wires in your phone jack in the wall. (both things have happened to me which has made my dsl run like crap)
call and complain and they will send someone out to help better fix the service.
that's what i've done.
Re: Dsl or Not
01/14/08 9:32 pm | #4
Yep, Give'm Hell.
Re: Dsl or Not
01/14/08 9:50 pm | #5
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
I use DSL and trust me I've had many problems. I do love DSL but sometimes it's a hassle since it should work for the price you pay.
It should work though unless you have crossed lines running on your telephone pole or loose wires in your phone jack in the wall. (both things have happened to me which has made my dsl run like crap)
call and complain and they will send someone out to help better fix the service.
that's what i've done.
It should work though unless you have crossed lines running on your telephone pole or loose wires in your phone jack in the wall. (both things have happened to me which has made my dsl run like crap)
call and complain and they will send someone out to help better fix the service.
that's what i've done.
thanks for the help every one.
and thats probably it. thanks meg. my grandma is gunna call the company or the guy who installed it and see what they can do.
it sucks i only need 114 points on cod4 to get to lvl 50. and i cant play.

Re: Dsl or Not
01/15/08 11:49 am | #6
There's all sorts of things that can go wrong with DSL, from bad/faulty wiring to the distance you are from the central office. The only thing you can really do is keep calling and complaining until they get it fixed right...or get broadband
Re: Dsl or Not
01/15/08 4:04 pm | #8
cant beat cable
Re: Dsl or Not
01/15/08 5:47 pm | #9
im to far out to get cable. the only options we have are dsl, satelite, or dial-up. so the guy who installed the dsl said that it is suppose to be at like 3000 sumthins. and its only at 650. which is suppose to be the dial up. which blows. but they said it should work once they install more of those optics or sumthin like that. which will take a couple of days to do. so the only time i can normally get on is 3 to 6. oh well.
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