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Archived: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
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Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 1:15 pm | #1
I'm looking for someone to do some legitimate challenge stuff with just for fun. (No holding the mic up to the speaker

Just send me a FR and pick some songs
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 1:31 pm | #2
do you know if you can use the rockband mic as well with this game??
just wondering, let me know.
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 1:39 pm | #3
I love how you included (the game) in the thread title, i lol'd.
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 2:17 pm | #5
I've got it but, I still can't really play it right now (throat isn't quite right, atm)
I'll send a request later today if I can.
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 2:55 pm | #6
I have it. Send me a friend request if you want to challenge me.
Re: Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 3:15 pm | #7
Quote by CIA Agent D:
I love how you included (the game) in the thread title, i lol'd.
I love this site - because of that I had the foresight to see exactly where this would lead if I didn't include that little qualifier
Re: Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 3:16 pm | #8
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
do you know if you can use the rockband mic as well with this game??
just wondering, let me know.
I know it seriously messes up the game if you leave it plugged in with the wireless mics. Found that one out the hard way...
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/13/09 3:21 pm | #9
hey hit me up no one on my list of like 80-90 friends has been seen playing it so im free
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/14/09 8:58 am | #10
I have it but my list is full. Send me a message and I will clear some space (and i'll FR you). Ask Juggs i'll give you a fight

....but don't ask Raine
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/14/09 10:44 am | #12
I've asked you Raine 
BTW - Epik Mithra trounced me last night, but I got the infinity achievement!
Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/14/09 11:44 am | #14
I wanna get it :] hopefully I will. Is it fun & pretty easy songs to sing?
Re: Re: Does anyone have Lips (the game)
01/14/09 11:59 am | #15
Quote by zombie dork:
I wanna get it :] hopefully I will. Is it fun & pretty easy songs to sing?
I like it, the songs are all fun and catchy, though there is a song about lip gloss that makes me want to jam ice picks in my ears.
It's supposed to pick up on your singing ability so even if you suck you can do well. It's a very fun game and great for having a few people over.
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