Archived: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/17/08 6:42 am | #1
If anyone is up for a challenge I will be making rooms tonight. I have most of the Jetskis.
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/25/08 10:54 am | #2
Quote by FastRewind:
If anyone is up for a challenge I will be making rooms tonight. I have most of the Jetskis.
Worst ... game ... EVAR! Even with the bouncy things (which btw, who doesn't love those).
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/21/10 9:30 am | #3
Hey im up for games, send me an invite.
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/29/10 5:33 pm | #4
Quote by FastRewind:
If anyone is up for a challenge I will be making rooms tonight. I have most of the Jetskis.
lol I cant believe someone else has this game.
im only 20/1000 in it and KNOW I would get crushed. I might be down for some fun times though, friendly matches always welcome (time providing)
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/29/10 8:21 pm | #5
I kept seeing this at different places for cheap and I was so tempted to buy it but I heard most of the Achievements are a beotch, is that so?
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
01/29/10 10:40 pm | #7
I have this game as well; looked it up on x360a and they look rediculous, so I haven't even wanted it on my gamercard :-/
Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
02/02/10 2:55 pm | #8
This is a very hard game! So if you wanna play with me online add me this is always in my recently played!
Re: Re: Dead Or Alive Xtreme2
02/03/10 9:23 pm | #10
Quote by Four Channel:
Sucks boobs don't make a game, if boobs made a game then I would surely pick it up lol.
ohohoh that's where you're wrong

but seriously though, the volleyball is pretty fun in this series. i have the game and i could care less about it being on my gamercard, i play it once in a while
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