Archived: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 4:41 pm | #16
if you guys read earlier in a post it says you burn it to your harddrive but the DISC has to be in the harddrive for you to be able to play it, i'm pretty sure i read that somewhere before which made no sense to me
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 4:42 pm | #17
basically what it does is allows you to not use your drive as much, it will recognize it but not spin which won't burn out your harddrive as fast, sorry about the double post
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 4:49 pm | #19
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
if you guys read earlier in a post it says you burn it to your harddrive but the DISC has to be in the harddrive for you to be able to play it, i'm pretty sure i read that somewhere before which made no sense to me
Right, you need the disc in the tray to prove you own the game. It simply makes load times faster because a DVD can only spin at 52x, or 7800kb/sec. Being read from the 360's SATA hard drive, data can be read off of the drive at up to 3GB/sec, much faster.
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 4:54 pm | #20
Quote by Shockwave22:
Hi Meg

i can't wait for this new update, seriously the multiple chat session thing and the netflix is going to be perfect!
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 5:03 pm | #22
i'm not either but i will prob be after this update comes out and i see how it works
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 5:07 pm | #23
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
i'm not either but i will prob be after this update comes out and i see how it works
ditto. Group chat is also going to be freaking awesome.
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 6:29 pm | #25
chances are that it won't work on games that are already out, seeing as the game would have to be programed to copy itself onto the harddrive
the ps3 has this feature and very few games use it, Devil May Cry 4 being the only one I can think of, not to mention it takes DMC4 four hours to copy to the hard drive, so it makes me wonder if it's really worth it
the ps3 has this feature and very few games use it, Devil May Cry 4 being the only one I can think of, not to mention it takes DMC4 four hours to copy to the hard drive, so it makes me wonder if it's really worth it
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 6:33 pm | #26
group chat would be awesome. if we did a halo 3 MM boosting night we could group chat and be like "ok well (inser t name here) you and (insert one/more name/s here) stand right there so i can get (insert achievements here)
or like for whatever game you cant talk to people in :\
or like for whatever game you cant talk to people in :\
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 7:08 pm | #28
Very interesting grasshopper.
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 7:12 pm | #29
Unattributed Quote:
Hahahahahahahaahahahah ROFLMAO!
Re: Dashboard Update: Installing Games Demo
08/10/08 7:22 pm | #30
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
Boost? In Halo 3?
You sir, are a flompywhompper.
You sir, are a flompywhompper.
2 for 1 and overkill are hard to get lol
well, in a ranked FFA..ive gotten plenty of double/triple kills w/ laser but theyre all team slayer or btb...and the people were in a hog
and ive gotten plenty of social overkills, and one ranked overkill. but the ranked was btb from a forkin grenade+ my friend driving a warthog into the enemy base to try and grab the flag lololool