Now Rockstar has had string of great hits in the last few years, mostly the GTA series but has fallen short on some occasions (Both of the State of Emergency games, and the lack luster ports of GTA: Liberty City to the PS 2) but being the ever faithful gamer that I am, I hope that they would learn from their mistakes.
Eyes front, Sit up straight (Graphics)
Right after dropping in the game into my console, the visual difference between the PS 2 version and the 360 version is absolutely noticeable. The characters and detail of the city seem to come alive with the power that the 360 brings to table for this game. Everything from the busy private school with its sprawling campus to the town build around the school itself is pleasing to the eyes.
Graphics aside, the controls on the game itself work well here. It seems to me that Rockstar really took its time to re-work the control scheme for the 360. The This version uses a new game engine by developers Mad Doc Software that allows the game to flow well on this system.
Works well with others (Game Play)
The basic storyline stays the same with a few tweaks here and there for the 360. The games main focus is on The Bullworth Academys newest trouble child/student, Jimmy Hopkins. Jimmy ends up enrolled in the school when his newly re-married mother and his 5th stepfather go on a year-long honeymoon cruise, leaving him at the footsteps of the boarding school.
Like all of Rockstars characters before, Jimmy is the sociopath in the making you cannot help but love. As he moves through his academic career (and eventual criminal career), he interacts with the five different cliques that go to the school: Bullies, Nerds, Jocks, Greasers & Preppies as well as the Townie kids that are in town, the school faculty and any other adults authority figures
Dont fret at this seemly insurmountable number of deterrents. Mr. Hopkins has an array of weapons available such as stink bombs, bags of marbles, cartons of eggs, a slingshot (after further missions a Super slingshot with scope), and later in the game, a bottle rocket launcher (my personal favorite), and a very creative spud cannon.
He also has many different vehicles at his disposal (although they are more kid friendly than handing Jimmy a 3 ton metal S.U.V.): such as, bicycles with different skill ratings Lawn mower, skate board, and again later in the game a moped and a go-kart.
Another innovation in the Rockstar style of game creating is that unlike previously similar games, no two characters in Bully franchise are the same, & every character has a name and personality (this cool feature comes into play during one of the mission)
Extra curricular activities (New features, Options, & Achievements)
Jimmy has several different classes to attend at Bullworth Academy. They are ran by an assortment of wacky and twisted teachers:
Dr. Watts who is the Chemistry teacher (very Creepy)
Dr. Slawter who runs Biology (more creepier)
Mr. Burton the Gym coach
Mr. Hattrick the Mathematics teacher
Mr. Galloway, the English teacher (has a drinking problem)
Ms. Phillips, the Art teacher & Photography teacher (resident hottie)
Neil, Shop teacher (whom you never see)
And Mr. Wiggins the History teacher
The Bully: scholarship edition also features two new classes for Jimmy to attend: Ms. Peterss music class, in which jimmy must follow the rhythm of the music by tapping the control buttons in time with the music and Mr. Matthewss Geography class where jimmy must pin the flag on the right space on the map.
With this addition, like all Xbox 360 games, the player can get 38 achievements worth 1000 points total for doing many different things in game from pulling off 200 wheelies to kissing 25 girls or 20 guys
Final Thoughts
Even with the Xbox 360 version of Bully: Scholarship Edition having glitches, and performance issues, with the newly released patch, this game shines well and is worth the play through even if you have repeat a grade or two

Final Score: 9/10